Made personalWolke booking less painful

With cypress you can book your entire month in under few minutes.



nvm use
npm i

copy your personalWolke user/password to the .env file base on .env.example

you need to add all your desired booking to the ./cypress/fixtures/timecorrection.js


  • don't forget the double array (it is needed because script support multiple time range)
  • absent type by default is home office but you can specify in absent field (what is optional). if you are use the personalWolke in different language probably you need add the absent type always (should be matching the string in the select on the UI)

simple format:

  time: [['09:00', '17:30']],
  description:'Area demo, meetings'

with absent type:

  time: [['09:00', '17:30']],
  description:'Area demo, meetings',
  absent: 'present'

with multiple timerange

  time: [['09:00', '12:00'], ['13:30', '17:30']],
  description:'LIF - personalWolke automation'


nvm use
npm run booking

Approve (For Managers)

If you're managing a team with this you can automate the approval of the requests of your team members. Up to a 100 at a time, so you might need to run this multiple times if you're dealing with a huge team stacked up a lot to approve.

nvm use
npm run approve

Debug/more fun

If you wanna see how cypress made your time correction you can run the electron app

nvm use
npm run debug