This is a repository that overviews a dataset so one can starting practicing implementing multimodal signal processing pipelines. Please see the the instructionvideo.
- Lücking, A., Bergman, K., Hahn, F., Kopp, S., & Rieser, H. (2013). Data-based analysis of speech and gesture: The Bielefeld Speech and Gesture Alignment Corpus (SaGA) and its applications. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 7, 5-18.
- Lücking, A., Bergmann, K., Hahn, F., Kopp, S., & Rieser, H. (2010). The Bielefeld speech and gesture alignment corpus (SaGA). In LREC 2010 workshop: Multimodal corpora–advances in capturing, coding and analyzing multimodality.
A representative of the original SAGA team has communicated with us that the videos and secondary can be shared in a fully anonymized version, which would mean obscuring the face as well as the voice.