
Distributed query process is (or seems to be) missing

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Issue Description:

Distributed query feature is (or seems to be) missing from the latest corese distribution. If corese has abandoned this feature, I would be grateful if you could suggest a decent engine for SPARQL federation in transparent manner: without SERVICE subqueries.

Bug Details:

There are no GUI controls presented in http://sparks.i3s.unice.fr/public:kgram_dqp_alban_gaignard and I am unable to find corresponding REST endpoints.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Roll out corese from latest release.
  2. Try to use distributed query process according to documentation.

Expected Behavior:

Distributed querying is available and usable as described in documentation.

Actual Behavior:

Distributed query is (or seems to be) missing.

Note to Developers:





Thank you for reaching out! The distributed query feature isn’t present in its original form, but you can achieve similar results using federated queries. Here are some quick steps:

In Code:

QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(Graph.create());
Mappings map = exec.query("@federate <uri1endpoint1> <uri2endpoint2>\nselect * where {?x ?p ?y}\n");
// Print the list of results
for (Mapping m : map) {

In Corese-GUI:


@federate <uri1endpoint1> <uri2endpoint2>
select * where {?x ?p ?y}

You can also define and reuse a Federation:

@federation <federationuri> <uri1endpoint1> <uri2endpoint2>

@federation <federationuri>
select * where {?x ?p ?y}

You can also get the provenance of the results:

Add the @provenance keyword to the query:

@federate <uri1endpoint1> <uri2endpoint2>
select * where {?x ?p ?y}


For additional information and examples, please refer to the documentation at Corese documentation and Federated Query.

Let me know if you have more questions.


Thank you @remiceres for your quick reply! Your answer made federation usage clearer to me. Please help me with the following further questions:

  1. Does corese provide SPARQL endpoint for federated queries? If not, then should I use the Python wrapper to set it up and how to alleviate potential performance and scalability issues?
  2. Is it possible to define federation not in a query but elsewhere in the system to alleviate from clients management of federated URIs?

Using Federated Query with Corese-Server

Yes, it is possible to use the federated query with Corese-Server. Here's how to do it:

If your server runs locally and is not public

  1. Start the server with the following command:
java -jar corese-server-4.4.1.jar -p 8083 -su 
  • -p port : starts the server on port 8083 (default port is 8080).
  • -su : starts the server in superuser mode; this mode disables security checks on the server (it's not recommended for production use).
  1. Send federated queries to http://localhost:8083/sparql (same as before):
@federate <uri1endpoint1> <uri2endpoint2>
select * where {?x ?p ?y}

If your server runs on a public server

If your server is hosted publicly, you can't use the -su option. Therefore, you need to create a profile to explicitly allow which endpoints can be used.

  1. Create a profile file (for example, profile.ttl) with the following content:
prefix st: <http://ns.inria.fr/sparql-template/> 

# List external endpoints allowed
st:access st:namespace
  1. Start the server with the following command:
java -jar corese-server-4.4.1.jar -p 8083 -pp profile.ttl
  • -p 8083 : starts the server on port 8083 (default port is 8080).
  • -pp profile.ttl : uses the personal profile file profile.ttl to grant access to the external endpoints.
  1. Send federated queries to http://localhost:8083/sparql (same as before):
@federate <uri1endpoint1> <uri2endpoint2>
select * where {?x ?p ?y}

Python wrapper

You can attempt to use the Python wrapper, but I wouldn’t recommend it at the moment. Currently, the Python wrapper is just a proof of concept, and I haven’t tested its performance and scalability. We plan to work on its improvement and test scalability in the future.

Defining Federation Outside a Query

Currently, I am unaware of how to define federation outside a query. I will get back to you if I find more information.

Useful links

If you are developing a program in Python and want to use federated queries, I recommend using Corese-Server and sending queries to it through Python code.

If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Thank you for valuable information! I will try to implement it next week.
With regards to defining federation outside a query there is information in this article that seems to be about corese and looks promising:

  • In section 2: "... our implementation allows the description of a set of endpoints through the use of a dedicated vocabulary."
  • In section 6.1: "We defined a succinct vocabulary to declare in RDF a SPARQL federated query service. For instance the following RDF/Turtle configuration describes the X SPARQL federated query service, identified by http://e.g/X/sparql, that federates three SPARQL services.
prefix st:<http://e.g/sparql - template/>
<http://e.g./X/sparql> a st:Federation;
) .

In the corese source code there is "federation.ttl" file that seems to be the mentioned "dedicated vocabulary": https://github.com/Wimmics/corese/blob/0dc04a14cb19f7a58584153cdf295771837cc4d9/corese-core/src/main/resources/data/corese/federation.ttl

I have gathered more information on defining federation outside of a query. You can specify a federation in a configuration file and load it when starting Corese. Here are the steps:

Create a federation file, for instance, federation.ttl, and include the following content:

# Define a federations
<http://example.com/federation> a st:Federation ;
    rdfs:label "example" ;
    st:definition (

Next, create a configuration file named, for example, config.properties, with the content below:

FEDERATION = /path/to/federation.ttl


Launch the server using the command below:

java -jar corese-server-4.4.1.jar -init config.properties

Then, send federated queries to http://localhost:8080/sparql :

@federation <http://example.com/federation>
select * where {
  ?x ?p ?y


To start the GUI, use the following command:

java -jar corese-gui-4.4.1.jar -init config.properties

Then, execute the following query:

@federation <http://example.com/federation>
select * where {
  ?x ?p ?y


Initiate the command using the command below:

echo "" | java -jar corese-command-4.4.2.jar sparql -if turtle -q "@federation <http://example.com/federation> select * where {?x ?p ?y}" --init config.properties

The inclusion of echo "" and the -if turtle options are because the command is not intended to be used without input. It serves as a workaround.

This feature will be incorporated in the upcoming release of Corese-command (4.4.2). If you wish to utilize this feature now, you may compile the current version of Corese-command from the source code in the develop branch.

I am in the process of drafting a documentation page about this feature.

Do not hesitate to reach out if you have further questions.

@remiceres , thank you for providing exhaustive information so quickly. I am glad that this valuable feature is going to be released soon. I would be grateful if you could share the following suggestion with the development team. The suggestion is to support SPARQL 1.1 clients that don’t (can’t) add @federation statement to their queries. For example, packaged distributions with SPARQL 1.1 clients that can’t be easily modified to include @federation statement. I suggest to consider configuration option for corese that enables federation by default for all queries.

Thank you, @ocorby ! Now with your advice my requirements should be completely satisfied. I will try to set up the corese and provide feedback.