testet with chrome 106.0.5249.119
How to create this browser extension
- Develop the code (most important is the manifest.json and the background.js)
- Go to Chrome: Extensions
- Enable "Developer mode" (right top corner)
- Select the code folder by clicking on "Load unpacked" (left top corner)
- Use the extension
How to use AutoLogOff and Login with user by URL:
- Add a button with name "Logout" to your main start screen and make sure the button is always there (the button can also be outside the visible area of your screen).
- Add an event to the button on left mouse click with system function "LogOff"
- Download to runtime and add the credentials of the user in the browser URL
How to use Custom Login in TIA Portal: 0. make sure you set up AutoLogOff functionality
- Add a new screen with at least these 3 items: a) io field with name "ioUsername" to input the new user that shall be logged in (connect a tag if needed) b) io field with name "ioPassword" to input the corresponding password (connect a tag if needed) c) button with name "btnLogin". Do not add any event to the button!
- Add a button anywhere on one of your other screens and open the new screen by using the system function "OpenScreenAsPopup". The popup name (first parameter) must be "LoginDialog".
- Download to runtime, open your login screen, insert your credentials and click on the login button
IO field with not readable password: ***** 0. make sure you set up CustomLogin functionality
- Add an io field with name "ioPasswordEditable" and set Miscellaneous -> React to input -> Hidden input to true
- Add a tag to your new "ioPasswordEditable" and the same tag to your old "ioPassword"
- Move "ioPassword" outside of the visible area of the screen (the code of this BrowserExtension can access it, but the Unified user does not see it.)