
Arduino-lite Library for Rocket (Wind River Rocket Arduino-lite API)

Primary LanguageC

Wind River Rocket Arduino-lite API

Arduino-lite Library for Rocket


The Wind River Rocket Arduino-lite API (Arduino-lite) provides a simple and familiar programming model to modify, create, debug, and run example code on devices using the Wind River Helix App Cloud. With a few simple functions, the devices can be programmed to register and communicate with other Cloud services.

This module is meant to be a simple system that uses the Wiring paradigm and implements a subset of the Wiring/Arduino APIs, some Arduino compatible libraries, networking, and IoT protocols. It is provided under the Apache 2.0 license.

Supported Hardware

Supported Software

  • Wind River Helix Appj Cloud Development Environment(Intel Galileo Gen 2 SDK and NXP FRDM-K64F SDK)
    • Editing and browsing source code
    • Compiling and running sketches on devices
    • Setting breakpoints and stepping through code
    • Watching call stacks and variables
    • Other features
  • The rocket-arduino-lite library which is built upon Zephyr, Light Weight IP, and Paho Embedded-C client
  • Several example Sketches for

General program structure

The structure of programs within the Arduino-Lite environment is similar to that of Arduino sketches with some exceptions:

  • The main library, rocket-arduino-lite, was developed independently and has its own structure.
  • The rocket-arduino-lite library was developed under the Apache 2.0 license.
  • Examples are built on Sketches that use setup() and loop() functions contained in a C++ file (.cpp). The sketch is located in the application/src directory of a project.
  • The main Wiring-lite APIs are defined in Arduino-lite.h
    Though optional, it is encouraged to include Arduino-lite.h in your sketch. This will make the Helix App Cloud IDE aware of the included functions.
  • The basic Wiring APIs are contained in the arduino-lite/wiring-lite hierarchy.
  • Other C++ Libraries are available under the arduino-lite/libraries hierarchy.
  • rocket-arduino-lite depends on other third party software that is pulled into the project at project creation time.
  • Example sketches that use this library have the repositories prefixed with rocket-arduino-lite-sketch-.


The Arduino-Lite API provides a basic subset of Arduino API calls within the Rocket environment.
A list of the supported Arduino calls, limitations, or enhancements is listed below.

Wiring API

#include "Arduino-lite.h`

Most of the functionality in the Arduino Language Reference is supported. The following lists the compatibility with the Arduino Language Reference.


  • Control Structures: Fully Supported
  • Arithmetic Operators: Fully supported
  • Comparison Operators: Fully supported
  • Boolean Operators: Fully supported
  • Pointer Access Operators: Fully supported
  • Bitwise Operators: Fully supported
  • Compound Operators: Supported for built-in types only
    No classes implement operator methods.


  • Constants: Partially supported
    INPUT_PULLUP, LED_BUILTIN, integer constants, and floating point constants not implemented
  • Data Types: Mostly supported
    String not supported
  • Conversion: Fully supported
    Based on C++ cast rules
  • Variable Scope & Qualifiers: Fully supported
    Based on C++ scoping and const rules
  • Utilities: Partially supported
    PROGMEM not supported


  • Digital I/O: Mostly supported
    INPUT_PULLUP not implemented
  • Analog I/O: Mostly supported
    analogReference not implemented
  • Due & Zero Only: Not supported
  • Advanced I/O: Not supported
  • Time: Fully supported
  • Math: Fully supported with noted exceptions
    Math constants not implemented
    Other math functions not listed may be available but have not been tested
  • Trigonometry: Fully supported with noted exceptions
    Math constants not implemented
    Other trigonometry functions not listed may be available but have not been tested
  • Characters: Not implemented
  • Random Numbers:: Not implemented
    srand and rand are available with the math library but have not been tested
  • Bits and Bytes: Not implemented
  • External Interrupts: Fully supported on pins 3 and 4 with the caveat that interrupts are simulated by polling the pins from a higher priority task. Note that pin 2 is not supported
  • Interrupts: Fully supported API as noted
    The functions only apply to the simulated External Interrupts and have no effect on processor interrupts
  • Communication: Very Basic support for printing to console of Helix App Cloud IDE Stream not implemented
    A singleton Serial variable exists
    Serial does not control the serial pins. Only Serial.print and Serial.println are implemented as way of printing to standard out (which appears on the Helix App Cloud build tab)
  • USB: Not supported

Additional Libraries

Ethernet Library (Intel Galileo Gen2 SDK and NXP FRDM-K64F SDK)

include "Ethernet.h"

The Ethernet library implements basic versions of Ethernet and Ethernet Client classes. It uses the Light Weight IP stack in single threaded (NO_SYS) mode.

Ethernet object (derived from EthernetClass)

  • Only one object, Ethernet (created as static constructor) permitted
  • Sends and receives packets (using Service() member function)
  • Retrieves MAC address from NIC. Setting of the MAC address is ignored for all functions.
  • Supports DHCP and static addresses

Only the following Arduino functions are supported:

  • void begin(byte* mac)
    Note: that MAC address is read from the driver so the mac parameter is ignored.
  • void begin(byte* mac, byte* ip)
    Note that ip is an array of 4 bytes -- not an IPAddress. mac is ignored.
  • void begin(byte* mac, byte* ip, byte* dns) Note that ip and dns are arrays of 4 bytes. mac is ignored.
  • void begin(byte* mac, byte* ip, byte* dns, byte* gateway)
    Note that ip, dns, and gateway are arrays of 4 bytes. mac is ignored.
  • void begin(byte* mac, byte* ip, byte* dns, byte* gateway, byte* subnet)
    Note that ip, dns, gateway, and subnet are arrays of 4 bytes. mac is ignored.
  • bool connected()

The following public members functions are also supported:

  • void service()
  • void begin()
  • void getMacAddress(byte address[])

Ethernet Client object (derived from EthernetClient)

  • Only one object, Ethernet_client (created as static constructor)
  • Connects to a port on a remote server
  • Supports raw TCP/IP only (no sockets)
  • Supports destination IP address and resolving hosts with DNS

Only the following Arduino functions are supported:

  • int connect(char* ip, int port)
  • boolean connected()
  • void disconnect()
  • int write(char ch)
  • int write(char* buffer, int length)
  • char read()
  • int available()

MqttClient Library (Intel Galileo Gen2 SDK and NXP FRDM-K64F SDK)

#include "MqttClient.h"

The MqttClient library implements basic Mqtt Client functionality. It uses both the Ethernet and Ethernet_client objects to bring the network up and connect to the port on a remote MQTT broker. The MQTT protocol is implemented using the Paho Embedded-C client. The API provides a subset of the PubSubClient calls.

Mqtt_client object

  • Only one object, Mqtt_Client (created as static constructor) permitted
  • Connects to the remote MQTT broker, publishes and subscribes topics.

Only the following public member functions are supported:

  • boolean connect(char* id)
  • boolean connect(char* id, char* user, char* pass)
  • boolean connect(char* id, char* willTopic, uint8_t willQos, boolean willRetain, char* willMessage)
  • boolean connect(char* id, char* user, char* pass, char* willTopic, uint8_t willQos, boolean willRetain, char* willMessage)
  • void setCallback(void (*)(char*, byte*, unsigned int))
  • boolean subscribe(const char* topic, uint8_t qos = 0)
  • boolean publish(const char* topic,char* payload, uint8_t qos = 0)
  • void setServer(char * ip, uint16_t port)
  • void loop()
  • boolean connected()
  • void begin(byte* mac)
#include "Serial.h"
#include "Ethernet.h" 
#include "MqttClient.h"

const int pubWaitCount = 20;
int pubCount = 0;
uint8_t qos = 1;

void MQTTMessageReceived(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
    Serial.print("Rocket received message  [");
    Serial.print("] ");
    for (int i=0;i<length;i++) {

void setup() {
    Serial.println("Bringing up Ethernet interface with DHCP address");
   // Bring up the inteface with a DHCPed address (MACC address param ignored; will use real MAC address)
    Ethernet.begin(); // Bring up interface with H/W MAC address and DHCP Ethernet Address
    MQTT_Client.setServer("iot.eclipse.org", 1883);

void loop() {    
    if (!MQTT_Client.connected()) {    
        byte mac[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
        char id[] = "AABBCCDDEEFF"; // will be replaced by MAC address
         Ethernet.getMacAddress(mac) ;   
        sprintf(id,"%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X", (mac[0] >> 4), (mac[0] & 0xf), (mac[1] >> 4), (mac[1] & 0xf), (mac[2] >> 4), (mac[2] & 0xf), (mac[3] >> 4), (mac[3] & 0xf), (mac[4] >> 4), (mac[4] & 0xf), (mac[5] >> 4), (mac[5] & 0xf));

      if (MQTT_Client.connect(id)) {
          if (!MQTT_Client.subscribe("rocket/greeting", qos)) {
             Serial.println("Subscribing failed");
      } else {
        Serial.println("Connection failed");
  } else {   
        if (pubCount < pubWaitCount) {
        } else {
            pubCount = 0;
            if (!MQTT_Client.publish("rocket/greeting", "hello from rocket", qos)){
                Serial.println("Publishing Failed");

BluemixClient Library (Intel Galileo Gen2 SDK and NXP FRDM-K64F SDK)

#include "BluemixRocketClient.h"

The BluemixClient library provides simple APIs to communicate with the IBM Watson IoT Platform in Quickstart and Registered Mode. For Rocket there are two classes: BluemixRocketClient and DataPoint class.

DataPoint class The following public member functions are supported:

  • Datapoint(const char name[], float* data)
    Constructor for a datapoint that references a float variable that is being monitored
  • Datapoint(const char name[], int* data)
    Constructor for a datapoint that references an int variable that is being monitored
  • Datapoint(const char name[], char* data)
    Constructor for a datapoint that references a string variable that is being monitored
  • show()

BluemixRocketlient class
The following public member functions are supported:

  • BluemixRocketClientClass()
    Contructor for Quickstart mode. Will connect with the MAC adddress as unique ID. Only publishing data is supported in Quickstart mode.
  • BluemixRocketClientClass(char* type, char* org, char* token, void (*callback)(char*, byte*, unsigned int))
    Constructor for Registered mode. Will connect with the MAC address as unique ID. Requires a callback for receiving messages from Bluemix and requires the device type, type, organization, org, and authentication token, token obtained from the setup in the IBM Bluemix web site.
  • boolean connected()
  • boolean connect()
  • boolean publish(Datapoint* d[], int num)

Quickstart Mode uses the following constructor and has no callback function

BluemixRocketClientClass BluemixClient;
#include "Serial.h"
#include "BluemixRocketClient.h"

#define PUB_WAIT_COUNT 20

// datapoints to sent to Bluemix

float temperature;
Datapoint temp("temp", &temperature);

#define IOT_OS "Wind River Rocket with Paho MQTT Embedded-C agent on top of Light Weight IP stack"
Datapoint os("iot os", IOT_OS);

#define BOARD "Intel Galileo Gen 2 with Grove Sensor Shield"
Datapoint board("board", BOARD);

Datapoint* datapoints[] = { &os, &board, &temp, };

int temp_input = A0;
int pubCount = 0;
const int B = 3975;
int input = 0;
float resistance;

BluemixRocketClientClass BluemixClient;

void setup() {
    pinMode(temp_input, INPUT);  

void loop() {    
    if (!BluemixClient.connected()) {
        if (!BluemixClient.connect()) {
            Serial.println("Connection Failed");
        } else {
    } else {
        if (pubCount < PUB_WAIT_COUNT) {
        } else {
            pubCount = 0;
            input = analogRead(temp_input);
            resistance = (10230000 - (input * 10000)) / input;
            temperature = 1 / ( log(resistance/10000) / B + (1/298.15)) - 273.15;
            if (BluemixClient.publish(datapoints, 3)) {
                Serial.println("Publishing Failed");

Registered Mode uses the following constructor and has a callback function

#define DEVICE_TYPE "niheer"
#define ORGANIZATION_ID "gqh94c"
#define TOKEN "@uBpMwz&b?eXRb0+5D"  
BluemixRocketClientClass BluemixClient(DEVICE_TYPE, ORGANIZATION_ID, TOKEN, MQTTMessageReceived);
#include "Serial.h"
#include "BluemixRocketClient.h"

#define DEVICE_TYPE "niheer"
#define ORGANIZATION_ID "gqh94c"
#define TOKEN "@uBpMwz&b?eXRb0+5D"  

#define PUB_WAIT_COUNT 20

// datapoints to sent to Bluemix

float temperature;
Datapoint temp("temp", &temperature);

#define IOT_OS "Wind River Rocket with Paho MQTT Embedded-C agent on top of Light Weight IP stack"
Datapoint os("iot os", IOT_OS);

#define BOARD "Intel Galileo Gen 2 with Grove Sensor Shield"
Datapoint board("board", BOARD);

Datapoint* datapoints[] = { &os, &board, &temp, };

int temp_input = A0;
int pubCount = 0;
const int B = 3975;
int input = 0;
float resistance;

void MQTTMessageReceived(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
    Serial.print("Rocket received message  [");
    Serial.print("] ");
    for (int i=0;i<length;i++) {

BluemixRocketClientClass BluemixClient(DEVICE_TYPE, ORGANIZATION_ID, TOKEN, MQTTMessageReceived);

void setup() {
    pinMode(temp_input, INPUT);  

void loop() {    
    if (!BluemixClient.connected()) {
        if (!BluemixClient.connect()) {
            Serial.println("Connection Failed");
        } else {
    } else {
        if (pubCount < PUB_WAIT_COUNT) {
        } else {
            pubCount = 0;
            input = analogRead(temp_input);
            resistance = (10230000 - (input * 10000)) / input;
            temperature = 1 / ( log(resistance/10000) / B + (1/298.15)) - 273.15;
            if (BluemixClient.publish(datapoints, 3)) {
                Serial.println("Publishing Failed");
  `      }

Adding Data Points

Three Datapoints (that send data to the IBM Watson IoT Platform) are used in the example Sketch and are defined as follows:

// datapoints to sent to Bluemix

float temperature;
Datapoint temp("temp", &temperature);

#define IOT_OS "Wind River Rocket with Paho MQTT Embedded-C agent on top of Light Weight IP stack"
Datapoint os("iot os", IOT_OS);

#define BOARD "Intel Galileo Gen 2 with Grove Sensor Shield"

#define BOARD "NXP FRDM-K64F with Grove Sensor Shield"

Datapoint board("board", BOARD);

Datapoint* datapoints[] = { &os, &board, &temp };

The datapoint array and the number of datapoints is passed to the publish function as follows:

    if (BluemixClient.publish(datapoints, 3)) {

Example of adding new datapoint to monitor buttonState:

int ButtonState;
DataPoint button("button", &buttonState);
Datapoint* datapoints[] = { &os, &board, &temp, &button };
    if (BluemixClient.publish(datapoints, 4)) {

Servo Library (Intel Galileo Gen2 SDK and NXP FRDM-K64F SDK)

#include "Servo.h"

The Servo library is a fully supported implementation of the Arduino Servo library which controls servo motors.

The following functions are supported:

  • Servo()
  • void attach(int pin)
  • void attach(int pin, int min, int max)
  • void detach(void)
  • bool attached(void)
  • int read(void)
  • void write(int angle)
  • void writeMicroseconds(int uS)

 * rocket-arduino-lite-application-servo-motor.cpp
 * This example makes use of Arduino servo library to control an RC servo motor.
 * It shows an actuator can be controlled by user specified position or the
 * value of the rotary potentiometer.

#include "Servo.h"

#define SERVO_PIN                 5   /* connector pin is used as servo pin */
#define ROTARY_ANGLE_SENSOR_PIN   A0  /* analog pin used to connect the potentiometer */
#define DELAYTIME                 15  /* delay time for the servo to reach the position */
#define ACTION_DELAY            1500  /* delay time between each action */

int potVal;
int angle;
Servo myservo;

void setup() {
    /* set up servo to attach SERVO_PIN */

    /* wait a while */

    /* set up A0 potentiometer as input source */

    /* motor rotates from 0 to 180 degrees in steps of one degree */
    for (angle = MIN_ANGLE; angle <= MAX_ANGLE; angle++) {

    /* motor rotates from 180 to 0 degrees in steps of one degree */
    for (angle = MAX_ANGLE; angle >= MIN_ANGLE; angle--) {

void loop() {
    /* read the value of the potentiometer */
    potVal = analogRead(ROTARY_ANGLE_SENSOR_PIN);

    /* remap the numbers from 4096 to 180 degree */
    angle = map(potVal, 0, 4096, MIN_ANGLE, MAX_ANGLE);
    printf("potentiometer = %d, angle: = %d\n", potVal, angle);

    /* sets the servo position */

Wire Library (Intel Galileo Gen2 SDK only)

#include "Wire.h"

The wire `library is a fully supported implementation of the Arduino Servo Wire which controls I2C devices.

The following functions are supported:

  • Wire()
  • void begin(void)
  • void begin(uint8_t)
  • void begin(int)
  • uint8_t requestFrom(uint8_t, uint8_t)
  • int requestFrom(int, int)
  • uint8_t requestFrom(uint8_t, uint8_t, bool)
  • int requestFrom(int, int, bool)
  • void beginTransmission(uint8_t)
  • void beginTransmission(int)
  • int endTransmission(void)
  • int endTransmission(bool)
  • uint8_t write(byte)
  • uint8_t write(const char *)
  • uint8_t write(uint8_t *, int)
  • uint8_t available(void)
  • uint8_t read(void)
  • void onReceive(void(*)(int))
  • void onRequest(void(*)(void))
#include "hd44780Lcd.h"
#include "groveLcd_Utils.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#include <stdlib.h>     /* strtol */
#include <string.h>

/* specify which Arduino connector pin is used as input */
#define INPUT_PIN       3
#define DELAYTIME       200
#define LCD_ROW         2
#define LCD_COLUMN      16
#define LCD_MESSAGE1    "We Will Rock U!"

uint8_t lcd_flag         = 0;
bool    flag             = false;
int     inputPinValue    = 1;
int     oldInputPinValue = 0;
const int lcd_addr = LCD_ADDR;      /* #define LCD_ADDR 0x003e */
const int rgb_addr = RGB_ADDR;      /* #define RGB_ADDR 0x0062 */

Wire mywire;

void setup()

    /* set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: */
    groveLcd_Begin(LCD_COLUMN, LCD_ROW);

    /* set up D3 button as input source */
    pinMode(INPUT_PIN, INPUT);

    /* Print a message to the LCD. */
    groveLcd_setRGB(0, 100, 200);

void loop()
    /* the loop function runs over and over again forever */
    oldInputPinValue = inputPinValue;
    inputPinValue = digitalRead(INPUT_PIN);

    /* Toggle to the cursor on/off if the user pressed the button */
    if (oldInputPinValue != inputPinValue) {
        PRINT("Button on D3 = %d\n", inputPinValue);
        if (inputPinValue == 1)
            flag = !flag;

    if (!flag) {
        /* Set blue backlight */
        groveLcd_setRGB(0, 100, 200);

        /* Turn on the Display */
    } else {
        /* Set green backlight */
        groveLcd_setRGB(0, 255, 30);

        /* Turn off the Display */

    /* wait a while */

GroveLcd Library (Intel Galileo Gen2 SDK only)

#include "GroveLcd.h"

The GroveLcd library supports the Grove LCD I2C device.

The following functions are supported:

  • GroveLcd()
  • void begin(int, int)
  • void begin(uint8_t, uint8_t)
  • void home(void)
  • void clear(void)
  • void print(char *)
  • void setRGB(int, int, int)
  • void setRGB(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t)
  • void noDisplay(void)
  • void display(void)
  • void noCursor(void)
  • void cursor(void)
  • void noBlink(void)
  • void blink(void)
  • void scrollDisplayLeft(void)
  • void scrollDisplayRight(void)
  • void leftToRight(void)
  • void rightToLeft(void)
  • void noAutoscroll(void)
  • void autoscroll(void)
include "GroveLcd.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/* specify which Arduino connector pin is used as input */
#define INPUT_PIN       3
#define DELAYTIME       200
#define LCD_ROW         2
#define LCD_COLUMN      16
#define LCD_MESSAGE     "We Will Rock U!"

bool    flag             = false;
int     inputPinValue    = 1;
int     oldInputPinValue = 0;

GroveLcd lcd;

void setup()
    /* set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: */
    lcd.begin(LCD_COLUMN, LCD_ROW);

    /* set up D3 button as input source */
    pinMode(INPUT_PIN, INPUT);

    /* Print a message to the LCD. */
    lcd.setRGB(0, 100, 200);

void loop()
    /* the loop function runs over and over again forever */
    oldInputPinValue = inputPinValue;
    inputPinValue = digitalRead(INPUT_PIN);

    /* Toggle to the cursor on/off if the user pressed the button */
    if (oldInputPinValue != inputPinValue) {
        PRINT("Button on D3 = %d\n", inputPinValue);
        if (inputPinValue == 1)
            flag = !flag;

    if (!flag) {
        /* Set blue backlight */
        lcd.setRGB(0, 100, 200);

        /* Turn on the Display */
    } else {
        /* Set green backlight */
        lcd.setRGB(0, 255, 30);

        /* Turn off the Display */

    /* wait a while */

If you have any questions about the library or have any enhancement requests we encourage you to please join the Rocket Community forum and post your feedback.