Inventory Manager

Manage your restaurant inventory to reduce waste, calculate profit, and forecast.

Why build this app?

  • To create an app that handles inventory data using PostgresQL to handle relational databases.
  • To run a streamline process that will complete number of tasks with single confirmation.
  • To add pass single AJAX call from front-end and let the complexity occurs in server-end when trying to do multiple AJAX calls from front-end.
  • To have all methods in App.js and all component as functional stateless component only.

Update Features Planned

  • Incorporating Redux for state management.
  • Add OAuth to separate manager and employee, manager account have access to all features while employee should only access the Sales.
  • Order processing screen to the kitchen

How to get start

  • Make sure got NodeJS and npm installed
  • Clone this repo
  • Create new project directory
  • Copy and paste everything in this repo into new project directory
  • Open package.json and change "name" to your project name and run following commend to install Express server dependencies:
npm i
  • Then run following commend to install React dependencies:
cd client 
npm i
  • Go back to root folder
cd ..

How to setup Express server

  • Create .env in project root and setup following:
DB_NAME=name of your database

How to start local environment

  • Start local server
npm run start
  • Start local front-end
npm run dev

How to deploy to Heroku with Git

heroku create
git push heroku master
  • If on non-master branch, then run:
git push heroku branchname:master

How to add Postgresql to Heroku

  • Follow steps in "How to deploy heroku"
  • Run following to install Postgresql addons with free price tier:
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
  • Database on Heroku is defaulted to DATABASE.
  • Run following to push local database into Heroku Postgresql
heroku pg:push localdatabase DATABASE/HEROKU_DATABASE_NAME

Built With
