
Rolling House Project 6 Manhattan (Section 404)

Primary LanguageR


Assignment Group: Nithya, Damarcus, Juan

Assignment 6 Due Date:6/22

Date Modified: 6/21/2017

Our Assignment: Manhattan Rolling House Sales Data Analysis

Below is from the assignment document given by Dr. Mahesh Fernando.

Using the Rolling Data Sales website, download and examine another housing sales data set (not the one we will use in live session, which is linked here - Rolling Housing Sales for NYC). (http://www1.nyc.gov/site/finance/taxes/property-rolling-sales-data.page)

  • Goal: Create an RStudio project for the analysis of this data set. Your file structure within the project should include the following:

    • A README file in the project root directory that includes an explanation of the purpose of the project and the other files
    • A data directory containing files to load in and clean up the data. The clean up should include finding out where there are outliers or missing values, deciding how you will treat them, making sure values you think are numerical are being treated as such >>>(correct R class), etc.
    • An Analysis directory containing a file (or files) for exploratory data analysis on the clean data to visualize compare the square >footage and sales price for your neighborhood.
  • Deliverable: A link to a repository on GitHub containing the above.

File Organization

The Rolling House Repository has two Directories, Data, Analysis, and a single Readme.md

  • Inside the Data Directory there is various stages of the raw data in txt and csv
  • Inside the Analysis Diretory there is a clean version of the data in two different forms
  • Analysis of plots from the clean data like the ones below plus more saved individually.
  • Analysis was done in R
  • This ReadMe contains an outline of the process, and analysis below for directions on reproducibility

Check the data

str(man) # Very handy function!
#Compactly display the internal structure of an R object.

Clean/format the data with regular expressions More on these later. For now, know that the pattern "[^[:digit:]]" refers to members of the variable name that start with digits. We use the gsub command to replace them with a blank space. We create a new variable that is a "clean' version of sale.price. And sale.price.n is numeric, not a factor.

man$SALE.PRICE.N <- as.numeric(gsub("[^[:digit:]]","", man$SALE.PRICE))

names(man) <- tolower(names(man)) # make all variable names lower case

Removed the 1000 delimiter from the sqft and converted the datatype to numeric for year

man$gross.sqft <- as.numeric(gsub("[^[:digit:]]","", man$gross.square.feet))
man$land.sqft <- as.numeric(gsub("[^[:digit:]]","", man$land.square.feet))
man$year.built <- as.numeric(as.character(man$year.built))

Doing a bit of data exploration to make sure there's not anything weird going on with sale prices


Here's some cool Plots: Manhattan Sale Price Actual Sales with Original Data

keep only the actual sales
man.sale <- man[man$sale.price.n!=0,]

for now, let's look at 1-, 2-, and 3-family homes Transformed Price Data

More Cleaning and Polishing

man.homes <- man.sale[which(grepl("FAMILY",man.sale$building.class.category)),]
     Transformed Sales Data

     Sales Vs Sqft

Removed outliers that seem like they weren't actual sales

man.homes$outliers <- (log10(man.homes$sale.price.n) <=5) + 0
man.homes <- man.homes[which(man.homes$outliers==0),]