
This library consists of simple utilities for TypeScript frontend applications. No runtime dependencies.

These are made for my own purposes and they are intended to be less general-purpose and more simple compared to popular libraries and frameworks.


Simple state manager for application state. State is immutable and can be "replaced" with setState. Callback is invoked when state changes.


Non-hash routing for single-page applications. Routes are matched with regular expression. Parameters for routes are captured from the regular expression groups.

notfound is a special identifier for resolved route that was not found.


Process DOM node trees and look for elements with specified selectors. When an element matches a selector, the corresponding function will be invoked, having the element as the first parameter and invokeHooks function as the second parameter. You use the latter to invoke further hooks on the element's children.

You can use this to build a component-based application with native HTML elements.


Dependency injection container. Makes it easier to do dependency injection.

The container is configured with providers, which provide an implementation for a given token. A token instance has an identifier, so you need to use the same token instance with both provider and when getting the dependency.