
How to install

  1. If you are running in docker run: docker exec -it plex bash. For Windows you can download binaries from Releases tab and DIY.
  2. Get into plex installation directory (eg. cd /usr/lib/plexmediaplayer).
  3. Run curl | sudo bash
  4. To map audio tracks run ./Plex\ Custom\ Audio\ Mapper as plex user (or docker exec plex "/usr/lib/plexmediaplayer/Plex Custom Audio Mapper" on docker)
  5. You can speed up maping process by limiting scaned directories. You can provide them as arguments for mapper. `./Plex\ Custom\ Audio\ Mapper "/Movies/" "/TV Shows/Some very specific movie (2020)/"


  1. It remuxes everything which has custom audio (even when you select build in track).
  2. It probably will require video transcoding for codecs not supported by hls or dash (eg. xvid).