:link: Merge multiple swagger files into a swagger file, support JSON/YAML.
- 0
Curly Brackets In Reference Paths
#86 opened by XedinUnknown - 0
Dockerfile should build image from source
#84 opened by i-ky - 5
error: Maximum call stack size exceeded
#77 opened by heww - 0
Support for typescript
#83 opened by chuasonglin1995 - 0
merger function return dump
#80 opened by Themis3000 - 3
Can't merge definition that include {}
#78 opened by cm-iwata - 2
Merge instead of replace
#76 opened by liemle3893 - 8
Replacing the input swagger file with the output swagger file (not merging)
#56 opened by NikhilNanjappa-zz - 1
Run inside JavaScript
#66 opened by andrewright - 1
- 1
- 2
Referencing a value inside a yaml file
#71 opened by vondacho - 4
- 2
debug not working properly
#57 opened by ivan-gomez-shapestone - 2
- 2
- 0
--debug option does not work
#51 opened by humpfhumpf - 1
List of definitions outputs an array
#53 opened by johnosterlund - 1
$ref partially expanded in included files
#52 opened by humpfhumpf - 7
requires file extension
#40 opened by chrisdostert - 1
- 5
OAS 3 support?
#39 opened by chrisdostert - 1
- 4
reference remote files
#36 opened by TheGreatRefrigerator - 1
Support for $ref elements
#28 opened by piersmacdonald - 2
$ref tag side by side with objects
#34 opened by TheGreatRefrigerator - 2
Windows support for splitReference method
#32 opened by adamzoltan873 - 1
- 3
- 1
NodeJS version requirement
#15 opened by Cyberrebell