Welcome to Doggo Finder. The #1 resource used to search for your new doggo family member!
-This application is designed to aid your search in your quest to adopt a dog. Our goal is to make the adoption of a dog the first option for new dog owners weather it's their first or 100th.
-The user may use this application to search for adoptable dogs near their desired location.
-This application primarily focuses on the use of Javascript.
-Materialize CSS was used as the main CSS framework.
-Basic HTML structures are used to define common page elements.
-With use of the Pet Finder API, this application presents the user with related information including pictures of the adoptable dogs.
-Use of the Dog API provides the main website images and other placed images.
See wesite at https://windowmac.github.io/Pet_Locator/
Presentation slides available Here
-On page load you will be greeted by one of our adoptable pets.
-From here, simply enter the zip code of the location you would like to search for an adoptable doggo.
-Next, enter your preferred dog breed.
-After that, select your Personal Housing Requirements. This will help narrow down the search results by selecting if the dog needs to be good with other dogs, cats, children, etc.
MVP Wireframe (for reference)
Users will first view the Home Page for Doggo Finder.
Once the user selects their search criteria, search results will load below.
When the user clicks on one of the doggo cards, they will be brought to the detailed view of the dog. This section will include the details about the dog (gender, age, etc) and the contact information for questions or to adopt the dog.
The links at the top of each page will load to different resources the user may utilize to aid in their doggo finding.
NOTE: This project was created for the University of Oregon Coding Bootcamp as part of the homework curriculum. Any use of the information provided is the sole responsibility of the user