- 0
Template 10 ellipsis collapsed error
#1739 opened by jameljoseph - 0
Windows 10
#1738 opened by Mikejb4 - 2
- 3
Exception handling in SettingsService
#1731 opened by jp-weber - 1
Any news about future?
#1735 opened by Dedecekhribecek - 2
- 1
I need access to old Nuget packages
#1736 opened by antsoftwaredev - 0
GestureService shouldn't handle the BackRequested from SystemNavigationManager
#1730 opened by jp-weber - 4
Add ToUri() to the PathBuilder
#1719 opened by JerryNixon - 1
Add Nav extensions off Page types
#1729 opened by JerryNixon - 2
Xaml exception (suddenly, without history)
#1727 opened by TeguSolutions - 0
AttachGestures should have an override without Window
#1728 opened by JerryNixon - 1
Misleading exception while failing to deserialize an argument is passed in Navigation Service
#1726 opened by ImCarrot - 1
Misleading information about Prism
#1725 opened by rpedretti - 5
Discuss: extend Template10.Service.File
#1693 opened by jp-weber - 1
- 1
Discussion: How to handle Background Tasks.
#1717 opened by JerryNixon - 13
Unable load T10 project form GitHub
#1718 opened by Dedecekhribecek - 0
Confirm revert projects back to UWP Class Library
#1723 opened by JerryNixon - 2
- 1
Build a sample app demonstrating JumpLists activation
#1704 opened by JerryNixon - 1
- 2
Update NavViewEx
#1698 opened by JerryNixon - 1
Add a sample app demonstrating Cortana activation
#1700 opened by JerryNixon - 1
Template 10 should not Window.Current.Activate()
#1716 opened by JerryNixon - 1
Navigation Services Not working
#1720 opened by dksingh605 - 4
Newtonsoft 12.0.2 causing crash in 1.1.12
#1713 opened by lars-alfonse - 3
No way to create extended spalsh screen?
#1714 opened by Dedecekhribecek - 0
Build a sample app demonstrating custom Core.Default
#1707 opened by JerryNixon - 0
Add a sample app demonstrating Background tasks
#1701 opened by JerryNixon - 0
Update Template10.Validation
#1699 opened by JerryNixon - 0
- 0
LeavingBackground called OnLaunch
#1715 opened by JerryNixon - 2
Build a sample app demonstrating File Activation
#1706 opened by JerryNixon - 1
AMD64 support
#1711 opened by Dedecekhribecek - 2
Template 10 and SQL
#1710 opened by Dedecekhribecek - 1
- 0
Update all the files
#1696 opened by JerryNixon - 0
Test the new packages in Nuget
#1697 opened by JerryNixon - 1
How can I access NotifyUser Method?
#1687 opened by Quico20 - 2
training videos in mva not available.
#1685 opened by johnbnstx - 19
#1688 opened by JerryNixon - 1
#1689 opened by weitzhandler - 0
Cleaning up NuGet
#1690 opened by JerryNixon - 0
"Cannot create instance of type 'Template10.Behaviors.NavButtonBehavior' [Line: 0 Position: 0]"
#1684 opened by Boti97 - 2
Visual Studio 2019 Support
#1686 opened by Dedecekhribecek - 2
ViewModel for ShellPage?
#1675 opened by Nexxkinn - 4
further development and modifications
#1680 opened by jp-weber - 1
What difference between Revert and MarkAsClean methods.
#1681 opened by BekAllaev - 1