
a short game using assembly language .\

The Algorithms:

Function name DrawInterfaceWhenYouStart to illustrate the friendly user interface, also the number from 1 to 9 to know exactly where player can play the game.

Function name DrawInterface to show each player move.

Function CheckWin to check 8 case {123, 456, 789, 147, 258, 369, 357, 159} if there any player win or not if so Boolean GameContinues become false. In main function we have:

Boolean GameContinues as mention above to check if game need to stop or not. Boolean OX to check we are in player X turn or in player O turn, also to know which player win. An integer i = 0, we count up to 1 each time a player make a movement until 9 if there is no player win we jump out loop, print “draw” and exit program An array of character has value ‘ ‘ (spacebar).

We have a Loop: as while(GameContinues), Inside loop we have if(OX) , OX true we play as O player false we play as X player, after we have done implement in parameter we reverse state of OX. In each player turn we get player input as integer from 1 to 9 and assign X or O into the character array.

If there already exit one or invalid input we print a warning to player and get input from player again.

If the input valid we call DrawInterface function to draw, call CheckWin to check if any player win, reverse value of OX increase i by 1 and go to Loop: again.

If CheckWin return GameContinues false we break the Loop: and print out the win player (by check OX).

In case there is no player win through 9 turn, we also break the Loop: and print out draw.