
Wait in line to land island of others!

Primary LanguagePython


This project is to create a queueing application for gamers to land others' islands one by one.


Prerequisite: Python 3.6+; venv activated recommended

pip install -r requirements.txt
$ export FLASK_APP=src/app.py
$ flask run

DB Migration

  1. Modify DB Table Schema in models folder
  2. run python manage.py db migrate -m "changelog" to commit database changes
  3. run python manage.py db upgrade to sync to Database

Project Structure

  • manage.py
    For Database Migration
  • migrations
    Database Version Control
  • src\models
    Database Models
  • src\routes
    App routes, like controllers
  • src\service
    App services, provide for route to use
  • src\utils
    Common utility functions