
Country Flag with Dial Number Code

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Country list with dial code and flag

npm version ts contributors

This package provide all country list with their flag emoji, flag svg and dial number code.






<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/country-list-with-dial-code-and-flag/dist/main.js"></script>
Country Flag SVG (optional)
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/country-list-with-dial-code-and-flag/dist/country-flag-svg.js"></script>
<div id="flag"></div>
  const mm = window.CountryList.findOneByCountryCode('mm')
  document.getElementById('flag').innerHTML = window.CountryFlagSvg[mm.code]


npm install country-list-with-dial-code-and-flag
// js
import CountryList from 'country-list-with-dial-code-and-flag'

// ts
import CountryList, { Country } from 'country-list-with-dial-code-and-flag'

CountryList.getAll() // Response => Array<Country>
CountryList.findOneByCountryCode('MM') // Response => Country
CountryList.findOneByDialCode('+95') // Response => Country
CountryList.findByDialCode('+95') // Response => Array<Country>
CountryList.findByKeyword('united') // Response => Array<Country>
Country Flag SVG (optional)
import CountryFlagSvg from 'country-list-with-dial-code-and-flag/dist/flag-svg'

const myanmar = CountryList.findOneByCountryCode('mm')
if (myanmar) {
  const flagSvg = CountryFlagSvg[myanmar.code]
  console.log(flagSvg) // it return svg string

Available Functions


Function Description
getAll get all available countries
findOneByCountryCode find country by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
findByCountryCode find countries by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
findOneByDialCode find country by dial code Eg.
findByDialCode find countries by dial code Eg.
findByKeyword find countries with keyword Eg.

getAll(), findByKeyword(), findByCountryCode() functions support filter option for secondary dial code. As a default withSecondary is true


const list = CountryList.findByCountryCode('DO', { withSecondary: false })
console.log(list.length) // 1

const list = CountryList.findByCountryCode('DO', { withSecondary: true })
console.log(list.length) // 3


Function / Attribute Description
formatPhoneNumber(phone, format?) format phone number with dial code, second param accept PhoneNumberFormat
name get name attr from country
dialCode or dial_code get name dial code from country
code get code attr from country
flag get flag emoji attr from country
preferred get preferred attr from country

Sample Usage of formatPhoneNumber()

npm i google-libphonenumber 
npm i --save-dev @types/google-libphonenumber  // require for typescript
import CountryList , { PhoneNumberFormat } from 'country-list-with-dial-code-and-flag'
import { PhoneNumberUtil, PhoneNumberFormat } from 'google-libphonenumber'

// required from version 5.0 due to performance issue

const mm = CountryList.findOneByCountryCode('mm')
if (mm) {
  mm.formatPhoneNumber('0888888888') // +95888888888
  mm.formatPhoneNumber('+95888888888') // +95888888888
  mm.formatPhoneNumber('888888888') // +95888888888
  mm.formatPhoneNumber('088-888-888-8') // +95888888888


const us = CountryList.findOneByCountryCode('us')
if (us) {
  us.formatPhoneNumber('2124567890', PhoneNumberFormat.E164) // +12124567890
  us.formatPhoneNumber('2124567890', PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL) // +1 212-456-7890
  us.formatPhoneNumber('2124567890', PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL) // (212) 456-7890
  us.formatPhoneNumber('2124567890', PhoneNumberFormat.RFC3966) // tel:+1-212-456-7890

Note - formatPhoneNumber() use google-libphonenumber package. For more information, please visit to original documentation.

Example response

 { "name": "Afghanistan", "dial_code": "+93", "code": "AF", "flag": "🇦🇫" },
 { "name": "Myanmar", "dial_code": "+95", "code": "MM", "flag": "🇲🇲" }


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