
A simple and modern designed FrontEnd boilerplate for Hiring App, which is hosted on Amazon WS. The app is builded with BackboneJS, RequireJS, MoustacheJS and MDBootstrap

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Backbone Boilerplate for simple Hiring App

In this app we show list of jobs and their descriptions. User can send request for one that liked.

Before start

NPM version should be at least 5.8.0

You will need to adjust boilerplate for yourself:


"start_url": url, - define url, where your FE instance will be hosted "scope": url,


<link rel="manifest" href="url/manifest.json">
<meta name="msapplication-starturl" content="url/index.html">


- data - change data if needed.


- link to data


- data manipulation scenarios
- route_deliver > $ajax.url -  backend url. Should lead to backend instance, which will handle post-request.

What's next

You can edit and run this project locally:

clone repository

npm install

npm start

You can upload your code to AWS servers and run it remotely.