
This app builds the back-end for my e-commerce platforms, which enables me to compete against other e-commerce companies using the latest technologies.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What this app does

This app builds the back-end for my e-commerce platforms, which enables me to compete against other e-commerce companies.

Technologies used

Utilizes the latest technologies, such as Sequelize and MySQL2 to connect my Express.js to a MySQL database, dotenv package to use environmental variables to store my sensitive data, and Insomnia to test the app.

What it looks like

Link to walkthrough video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E91gW-6sTRZAzQ7AEPH8u-f0_SV8Quno/view Screenshots: put-api-products-3 post-api-tags postNget-api-categories


Thankful for starter code through https://github.com/coding-boot-camp/fantastic-umbrella.