
MVC tech blog is a space where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers' post as well! It's a great place to share thoughts and tips, along with suggestions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Blog Description

MVC tech blog is a space where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers' post as well! It's a great place to share thoughts and tips, along with suggestions.

Technologies Used

This app follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural paradigm. Additionally, it requires express-handlebars to use Handlebars.js to display HTML content, MySQL2 and Sequelize to connect MySQL database to its models, and uses Express.js API for its controllers. There's additional security of personal information when creating user accounts, interacting on the post, and logging out, with use of dotenv, bcrypt, express-session, and connect-session-sequelize packages.

What it Looks Like

MVCdashboard CreateNewPost EditPost


I was the sole developer, with some occasional assistance from learning assistants and tutors from the UC Berkeley Extension Coding Bootcamp.