Primary LanguageShell

Tutorial Stader Node ETHx Rolling beta


Spesifikasi Software & Hardware

Persyaratan Hardware

Komponen Spesifikasi minimal
CPU 4 Cores
Penyimpanan 2 TB HDD
Koneksi 10Mbit/s port
Komponen Spesifikasi rekomendasi
CPU 32 Cores
Penyimpanan 2 x 1 TB NVMe SSD
Koneksi 1 Gbit/s port

Persyaratan Software/OS

Komponen Spesifikasi minimal
Sistem Operasi Ubuntu 16.04
Komponen Spesifikasi rekomendasi
Sistem Operasi Ubuntu 22.04

Setup Node

Install docker

Jika kalian kalian pernah ikut Q-Blockchain dan testnet node lainnya kemungkinan kalian sudah pernah install docker, jadi bisa skip langkah ini.

  1. Update apt-get dan install paket yang diperlukan
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install \
      ca-certificates \
      curl \
      gnupg \
  2. Tambahkan kunci GPG docker
    sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
    curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
  3. Setup repositori
    echo \
    "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
    $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
  4. Install docker
    sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin
  5. Cek apakah docker sudah terinstall dengan benar
    sudo docker run hello-world

Install Node

  1. Download Node

    wget https://dub.sh/linuxamd64 -O ~/bin/stader-cli
  2. Masuk ke direktori bin

    cd $HOME/bin
  3. Ubah file menjadi executable

    chmod +x ~/bin/stader-cli
  4. Restart terminal

  5. Install service

    ~/bin/stader-cli --allow-root service install
  6. Jalankan Node wizard

    ~/bin/stader-cli --allow-root service config

    Nanti akan muncul menu GUI, kalian ikuti aja step-stepnya, pake arrow keys di keyboard buat navigasi & enter buat pilih jawaban

    1. Goerli Network
    2. Locally managed
    3. System-recommended
    4. System-recommended
    5. Isi moniker/graffiti/usernamemu (bebas)
    6. https://beaconstate-goerli.chainsafe.io/
    7. Yes
    8. No
    9. Yes
    10. Locally managed
    11. Pilih regulated terus next
    12. Save and exit
    13. y
    14. y

    Tunggu sampe sync (1-3 hari)

Daftarkan validator

  1. Pastikan Node kalian sudah sync

    ~/bin/stader-cli --allow-root node sync

    Kalo outputnya gini berarti node kalian sudah sync

    Your primary execution client is fully synced.
    Your primary consensus client is fully synced.
  2. Buat dompet

    stader-cli --allow-root wallet init
    1. Pilih Y
    2. Masukan password (bebas 12 character)
    3. Salin mnemonic
    4. Masukin 24
    5. Paste mnemonic tadi sesuai urutan (per kata)
    6. Salin node key
  3. Claim faucet

    1. Join server discord
    2. Masuk ke channel #ethxclusives-permisionless-node-operators
    3. Send chat !interested
    4. Tunggu sampe kalian diapprove jadi beta tester
    5. Masuk ke channel #ethx-rolling-beta-test
    6. Paste Node key kalian (Jangan spam, cukup sekali aja), contoh
      Your Stader Node is currently using the Goerli Test Network.
      The node wallet is initialized.
      Node account: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  4. Daftar validator

    ~/bin/stader-cli --allow-root node register --on <MONIKER>

    Ganti moniker terserah kalian, contoh:

    ~/bin/stader-cli --allow-root node register --on node123
  5. Deposit SD

    ~/bin/stader-cli --allow-root node deposit-sd --amount 640
  6. Deposit 4 ETH

    ~/bin/stader-cli --allow-root node deposit --num-validators 1
  7. Cek status

    ~/bin/stader-cli --allow-root node status

Perintah berguna

Cek service status

~/bin/stader-cli --allow-root service status

Cek service logs

~/bin/stader-cli --allow-root service logs

Cek node status

~/bin/stader-cli --allow-root node status

