Start the daemon monitor by running ./throughput.rb * You can change the port the daemon runs on by changing the "port" settings at the top of the file. This file will run continuously. Use the "check_throughput" file as the Nagios checker. In the Nagios commands file, put the following: define command { command_name check_throughput command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_throughput $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG5$ $ARG4$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ } define service{ use standard host_name my-rtr service_description IN THROUGHPUT check_command check_throughput!10!2400:-1!2800:-1!in!public notifications_enabled 0 } Where the following arguments are the settings: HOSTADDRESS = ip address of the router / switch ARG1 = SNMP device number -- get this with snmpwalk ARG2 = the "OKAY" range, outside this range will generate a warning ARG3 = the "warning" range, outside this range will be critical ARG4 = the direction of traffic (in|out) ARG5 = SNMP community string (usually default to "public")