
Before you use Laptop-Toio, you will need to download:

  • Processing
    • Also make sure to add the oscP5 library from the Sketch > Import Library... > Manage Libraries... button.
  • Rust


Frame 1

All of the Low-Level Bluetooth Toio is handled within Rust, while the Higher-Level Simulations is done within Processing.

Connecting with Rust

Our Rust code allows us to connect to toios by using their 'name' (An internal 3-digit alphanumeric id built into the firmware), or their AxLab ID (Written on the bottom of the toio). We can connect using the following command

First, clone this repository, and use terminal to navigate to rust_osc folder. From there, run:

cargo run -- -a 48,46

NOTE: Do not uses spaces between the IDs.

Using the -a flag allows us to connect using the AxLab ID. When needed, we can also use -n to connect directly to their internal name, or even combine the two. For example: cargo run -- -n P1B or cargo run -- -a 46 -n P1B

Special Flags

There are special flags for specific cases.

  • Running Laptop-Toio with the command cargo run -- -s will allow you to connect to all nearby toios, in case you don't want to deal with the hassle of looking over which toios you have. NOTE: Only use this flag when there is no one else using toios nearby.
  • Running Laptop-Toio with the command cargo run -- -o -a 48,46 will attempt to connect to the toios in the specific order you passed them in. In this case, that would be 48 and then 46

Running the Simulation with Processing

The full toio API allows us to send commands and request information from the toio. Most of these API requests have been implemented within Laptop-toio on the Rust and Processing side to allow us to control toios. All of these functions are available on the Cube tab of the processing code. All of the toios are stored an array called cubes. This means that you can access each toio with cubes[i], where i is the order thetoios connected in.

Processing Code Structure

There are 5 tabs in the Laptop-Toio Processing Code:

  • The toio processing tab includes three core functions:
    • settings: The function allows you to configure your program
    • setup: This function is called once at the beginning of your program
    • draw: This function is called continously every tick This tab is analogous to the setup and loop structure in arduino
  • The cube tab includes all of the information on the Cube struct which stores most of the values and methods used to communicate with toios
  • The events tab allows you to handle different events from the keyboard, mouse or the toios.
  • The motorVelocityTarget tab includes the code for the velocityTarget function, which is an advanced function used to travel smoothly over time
  • The osc tab handles the communication with the rust code, and sends commands to the toios.

For the most part, you will purely be writing your code in the toio processing and events tabs, and cube can be refered for you to quickly understand different commands.

Writing toio Processing code

Processing allows you to write code in two ways:

  • The draw() function is called continously on a loop. If you want your code to run on a regular interval, this is the best place to put it.
  • The events tab is comprised of many functions that are called on certain events.
    • Keyboard and Mouse events call the keyPressed, mousePressed and mouseReleased functions. If you want an extended look at the GUI events that are registered by Processing, you can look at the Keyboard and Mouse sections here.
    • toio events automatically call the buttonDown, buttonUp, collision and doubleTap functions. These functions will pass the toio IDs as a function parameter, allowing you to use them in your code.

Writing toio Processing commands

OUTPUT Commands

We are send comannds to control to control:

  • The Motors: NOTE: the maximum speed of a motor on a toio is 115. That commands that can control the toio are:
    • cubes[i].motor: can be called with either leftSpeed, rightSpeed or leftSpeed, rightSpeed, duration, allowing you to control the speed of each motor individually for a set duration. Further documentation can be found here and here.
    • cubes[i].target: can be called with x, y, theta, mode, x, y, theta or control, timeout, mode, maxspeed, speedchange, x, y, theta, allowing you to target a specific location. Further documentation can be found here.
    • cubes[i].accelerate: can be called with speed, acc, rotateVelocity, rotateDir, dir, priority, duration, allowing you to control acceleration of the motors. Further documentation can be found here.
    • cubes[i].multiTarget: can be called with mode, targets or control, timeout, mode, maxspeed, speedchange, targets where targets are a 2D array for each target marked as {x, y} or {x, y, theta}. Unless specified, theta = 0. Further documentation can be found here.
    • Advanced: cubes[i].velocityTarget is a function developed by AxLab to allow toiois to follow a continously moving target. When velocityTarget is called with x, y values every loop, the motion between the targets will be automatically smoothed out. WARNING: This behavior will only occur if the function is called every loop. The velocity is caculated by storing values within the targetx, targety and targetTime variables within the Cube class.
  • The LED Indicator:
    • cubes[i].led can be used to set the LED to a certain color with duration, red, green, blue or to produce an LED sequence with repetitions, lights where lights are a 2D array with each light in the sequence arranged as {duration, red, green, blue}. Further documentation can be found here.
  • The Speaker:
    • cubes[i].sound can be called with soundeffect, volume to play sound effects. Further documentation can be found here.
    • cubes[i].midi can be used to play a certain note with duration, noteID, volume or to produce an note sequence with repetitions, notes where note are a 2D array with each note in the sequence arranged as {duration, noteID, volume} or {duration, noteID}. Unless specified, volume = 255. Further documentation can be found here.

INPUT Parameters and Commands

We automatically recieve updates about:

  • Position: The values of cubes[i].x, cubes[i].y, and cubes[i].theta will automatically update to the location and angle of each toio.
  • Battery: The value of cubes[i].battery will automatically update to the battery level of each toio.
  • Button: The value of cubes[i].buttonDown will automatically change on button press of each toio. Changes in this state will also trigger the buttonDown and buttonUp functions.

We are able to request information from: