
This Python script allows you to send automated emails with PDF attachments to multiple recipients. It's perfect for sending out newsletters, reports, or any other documents via email

Primary LanguagePython

Automated Email Sender with Attachments 📧🚀

This Python script allows you to send automated emails with PDF attachments to multiple recipients. It's perfect for sending out newsletters, reports, or any other documents via email.

Setup 🛠️

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required Python libraries by running pip install smtplib json email os.

Configuration 📝

You need to configure the script to your needs by editing the following fields:

  • subject: The subject line of the email.
  • footer_text: The footer text of the email.
  • setRemove: If set to True, the script will remove the PDF file from the directory after sending it.
  • fullSend: If set to True, the script will send all PDFs to all contacts. If False, it will only send the PDFs that match the contact's name.
  • singleMail: If set to True, the script will send a single email with all PDFs attached. If False, it will send an email for each PDF.
  • pdfRename: If set to True, the script will rename the PDF file before sending it.
  • pdfRenameCustom: If set to True, the script will rename the PDF file by adding the name of the receiver.
  • filename: The new filename for the PDF if pdfRename is True.

Configuring the Contacts and Host 📇

The script reads the contacts and the host email from a config.json file. An example file example-config.json is provided.

The config.json file should have the following structure:

  "contacts": {
    "john": "John@hotmail.com",
    "lisa": "Lisa@outlook.com"
  "host": {
    "email": "lisadoe@hotmail.com",
    "passw": "password1234"
  • contacts: An object where each key is the name of a contact and the corresponding value is their email address.
  • host: An object representing the host email. It should have an email and a passw (password).

Important: Don't forget to remove the example- part before the config.json filename before running the script.

Running the Script 🏃‍♂️

To run the script, navigate to the directory containing the script in your terminal and run python script_name.py.

Enjoy your automated emails! 🎉💌