
Service SDK - C# program modified to allow conversion of video file to audio and then to Text.

Cognitive-Speech-STT-ServiceLibrary - Closed Captioning Creator

Go here for How-to: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech/getstarted/getstartedcsharpservicelibrary


CC Creator is a program which converts videos with no subtitles to one with subtitles. It leverages the robustness of the Bing Speech Microsoft with C# to achive that. @author: Winston Moh T. Kitty Liu @Bitcamp

Table of Contents

Get API Key
Install the sample application
Build the sample application
Run the sample application


Platform requirements The following example was developed for Windows 10 and .NET 4.5+ Framework by using Visual Studio 2017, Community Edition.

Get API Key

Subscribe to the Speech Recognition API, and get a free trial subscription key. The Speech API is part of Cognitive Services (previously Project Oxford). You can get free trial subscription keys from the Cognitive Services subscription page. After you select the Speech API, select Get API Key to get the key. It returns a primary and secondary key. Both keys are tied to the same quota, so you can use either key.

Install the sample application

Start Visual Studio 201x, and select File > Open > Project/Solution.

Double-click to open the Visual Studio 201x Solution (.sln) file named SpeechClient.sln. The solution opens in Visual Studio.

Build the sample application

Press Ctrl+Shift+B, or select Build on the ribbon menu. Then select Build Solution.

Run the sample application

After the build is finished, press F5 or select Start on the ribbon menu to run the example.

Open the output directory for the sample, for example, SpeechClientSample\bin\Debug. Press Shift+Right-click, and select Open command window here.

Run SpeechClientSample.exe with the following arguments:

Arg[0]: Specify an input audio WAV file. Place .wav file in same folder as .exe file.

Arg[1]: Specify the audio locale. example: "en-us"

Arg[2]: Specify the recognition modes: Short for the ShortPhrase mode and Long for the LongDictation mode.

Arg[3]: Specify the subscription key to access the speech recognition service.