
status service in go

Primary LanguageGo

Super simple status tracking app with in-memory only data.

Supported routes:

  • GET /people
  • GET /people/{id}
  • POST /people/{id}
  • DELETE /people/{id}


This is built with a scratch image so it's super small.

This requires building with static linking for the libraries:

$ CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo .

We are using a very slim base image.

It has been deployed to dockerhub as wtfconf/punxatawny:{tag}


This exposes HTTP on port 8000.


This can be run in a minikube without doing much more than just running the container directly.

To call it for local dev, expose a service and forward a local port.

kubectl run punx --image=wtfconf/punxatawny:0.0.1 --port=8000
kubectl expose deployment punx
kubectl port-forward punx-57fbdff9b5-p8flc :8000                    
http :61906/people