
Game database info to be used in creation of xml files or kodi scraper files

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey


Game database info to be used in creation of xml files or kodi scraper files.

IMPORTANT This repository is read-only and must not be updated. Change the CSV files in AEL-offline-scraper.

Data conversion

Bash script to convert csv files to hyperspin style xml. To convert just one csv pass the csv filename to the script. To convert all csv files in a folder run the script with no arguments.

#csv xml function
echo "System:""${1%%.*}"

cp "$1" "$file_in"
cp "$1" "$file_in_csv"
echo clean csv
#clean uo csv
#echo 4stars
#sed -i 's~\*\*\*\*~ ~g' "$file_in_csv"
# ** with space
#echo 2stars
#sed -i 's~\*\*~ ~g' "$file_in_csv"
# trailing spaces
echo trailing space
sed -i 's~ >~>~g' "$file_in_csv"
echo trailing space
sed -i 's~ >~>~g' "$file_in_csv"

echo clean xml
# & with &
echo amp
sed -i 's~\&~\&~g' "$file_in"
# ' with '
echo apos
sed -i "s~'~\'~g" "$file_in"
#  with 
echo quotes
sed -i 's~"~~g' "$file_in"
# <br><br> with space
#echo br br
#sed -i 's~\<br\>\<br\>~ ~g' "$file_in"
# <br> with space
#echo br
#sed -i 's~\<br\>~ ~g' "$file_in"
# **** with space
echo 4stars
sed -i 's~\*\*\*\*~ ~g' "$file_in"
# ** with space
echo 2stars
sed -i 's~\*\*~ ~g' "$file_in"
# trailing spaces
echo trailing space
sed -i 's~ >~>~g' "$file_in"
echo trailing space

echo convert csv to xml

echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>' > "$file_out"
echo '<menu>' >> "$file_out"
echo '  <header>' >> "$file_out"
echo '    <listname>'${1%%.*}'</listname>' >> "$file_out"
echo '    <lastlistupdate></lastlistupdate>' >> "$file_out"
echo '    <listversion>test</listversion>' >> "$file_out"
echo '    <exporterversion></exporterversion>' >> "$file_out"
echo '  </header>' >> "$file_out"

while IFS=$'>' read -r -a arry
  echo '  <game name="'${arry[0]}'">' >> "$file_out"
  echo '    <description>'${arry[1]}'</description>' >> "$file_out"
  echo '    <year>'${arry[2]}'</year>' >> "$file_out"
  echo '    <rating>'${arry[3]}'</rating>' >> "$file_out"
  echo '    <manufacturer>'${arry[4]}'</manufacturer>' >> "$file_out"
  echo '    <dev>'${arry[5]}'</dev>' >> "$file_out"
  echo '    <genre>'${arry[6]}'</genre>' >> "$file_out"
  echo '    <score>'${arry[7]}'</score>' >> "$file_out"
  echo '    <player>'${arry[8]}'</player>' >> "$file_out"
  echo '    <story>'${arry[9]}'</story>' >> "$file_out"
  echo '    <enabled>Yes</enabled>' >> "$file_out" #'${arry[10]}' just set to 'Yes'
  echo '    <crc>'${arry[11]}'</crc>' >> "$file_out"
  echo '    <cloneof>'${arry[12]}'</cloneof>' >> "$file_out"
  echo '  </game>' >> "$file_out"
done < "$file_in"
echo '</menu>' >> "$file_out"

rm "$file_in"

if [[ "$1" ]] ; then
	convcsv2xml "$1"
	for file in *.csv ; do
		convcsv2xml "$file"