Hacettepe Yemekhane Bot

This discord bot shows which foods will be served at Hacettepe dining hall.

You can add to your server. link

How to use bot

  • .yemek : Gives list of today's menu.
  • .yemek yarın : Gives list of tommorow's menu.
  • .yemek dün : Gives list of yesterday's menu.
  • .hacettepe sign : Sign spesific channel to get automated messages every day at 20:00.
  • .hacettepe unsign : Unsign channel

Getting Started


  • discord.py
  • xmltodict


  • Clone repo
  • Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Get your discord token from discord developer portal
  • Create file named DISCORD_TOKEN without extension.
  • Paste your token into file

Executing program

python bot.py


This project is licensed under the [MIT] License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Make automatic announcement without calling with a command (.yemek)
  • Write a signing system which users use a .kayit command to set a channel for automatic announcements.
  • Create docker image
  • Auto deploy on aws upon push.

All pull requests are welcome ! Please use flake8 and black before PR.