
Speaker Diarization using GRU in PyTorch

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Speaker Diarization using GRU in PyTorch


Conda environment

To use this conda environment, you need to install Miniconda, then run this command

conda env create -f environment.yml

Install OpenVINO (Optional)

If you would like to use OpenVINO for inference. Please check OpenVINO official Documentation for the installation.

Step 1: Training 💪

Simply run the code in the Part 1 - Training.ipynb notebook and you are good to go.

Here is the training process if you would want to learn more:

  • Dataset Preparation
    You should structure your data in these format:


    You can use this sample dataset in Kaggle to help you understand how to structure your own data.

  • Dataset & Dataloader
    I have created AudioFolder PyTorch Dataset Object so automatically utilize the dataset. Here is a quick look for you

    AudioFolder(folder_path, n_data=500, slice_dur=5, sr=16000, n_mel=128, n_fft=2048, win_length=2048, hop_length=1024, freq_range=(0, 8000)):

    In a nutshell, here is what it does:

    • Randomly choose an audio from folder_path, then sampled it using sr rate
    • Then it randomly slice a chunk of the audio for slice_dur seconds, quantile normalize, then converted to log melspectrogram using specified parameter (n_mel, n_fft, and so on)
    • Zero crossing rate is used as VAD to label the spectrogram frames. Each frame is labeled as the subfolder name or <NONE> if it is silent.
    • AudioFolder does these steps n_data times to create the dataset
  • Architecture & Config
    Simply create the model architecture you would like to use. I have made one sample for you in src/model.py. You can directly use it by simple changing the hyperparameters in the config. Please follow the notebook if you are confused.

    ❗ Note: If you would like to use custom architecture in OpenVINO, make sure it is compatible with OpenVINO model optimizer and inference engine.

  • Training Preparation
    Set up the model, criterion, optimizer, and callback here.

  • Training
    As what it says, running the code will train the model

Step 2: Inference 🤖

I have prepared a PyTorchPredictor and OpenVINOPredictor object. Here is a sneak peek:

PyTorchPredictor(weights_path, config_path, chunk_dur)
OpenVINOPredictor(model_xml, model_bin, config_path, chunk_dur, CPU_EXT)

To use it, simply input the arguments and use .predict(wav_path) and it will return the diarization timestamp. For example:

p = PyTorchPredictor("model/weights_best.pth", "model/configs.pth", chunk_dur=2)
timestamp = p.predict("dataset/test/test.wav", plot=True)

setting plot=True provides you with the diarization visualization like this Visualized Diarization

If you would like to use OpenVINO, use .to_onnx(fname, outdir) to convert the model into onnx format.

p.to_onnx("speaker_diarization.onnx", "model")

End notes ❤️

I hope you like the projects. I made this repo for educational purposes so it might need further tweaking to reach production level. Feel free to create an issue if you need help, and I hope I'll have the time to help you. Thank you.