GitHub Copilot: Sure, here's a possible description for the plugin:

Text Style Replacer

This Visual Studio Code plugin allows you to replace multiple text styles in your document with new ones. Simply define the old and new text style names as arrays, and the plugin will replace all occurrences of the old text styles with the new ones.


  • Replace multiple text styles at once
  • Define the old and new text style names as arrays
  • Supports all text styles in your document
  • Easy to use and customize


  1. Install the plugin from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace
  2. Open the document you want to replace text styles in
  3. Define the old and new text style names as arrays in your code
  4. Run the plugin to replace the old text styles with the new ones


// Define the old and new text style names as arrays
const oldTextStyleNames = [ 
  "Heading / Giant / Bold",
  "Heading / Giant / Semibold",
  "Heading / Giant / Regular",
  // ...
const newTextStyleNames = [ 
  "Title / Bold",
  "Title / Semibold",
  "Title / Regular",
  // ...

// Replace the old text styles with the new ones
replaceTextStyles(oldTextStyleNames, newTextStyleNames);


This plugin is licensed under the MIT License.

Feel free to customize this description to fit your specific needs.