This repository contains code and data for testing the compliance of Automated Frequency Coordinator (AFC) software. The AFC is defined by the FCC in proceeding 18-295 on Unlicensed Use of the 6 GHz Band. This repository contains procedures, documentation, and tests for such software, and for the devices authorized by it. To contribute, please first read the CONTRIBUTING file in the repository for instructions.
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How to convert testing ULS data to .sqlite3
#67 opened by sambk - 0
FSP.37 and FSP.44 Discrepency
#66 opened by alexcpn - 0
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Transmit Radio Unit Architecture discrepancy
#56 opened by alexcpn - 8
AFCS.SIP.1 ULS data version related doubt
#52 opened by alexcpn - 1
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Clarification regarding clutter loss
#54 opened by alexcpn - 0
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Antenna Category Mismatch affecting test results
#55 opened by alexcpn - 12
AFC.SIP3 PSD values are not matching
#51 opened by sbasu07 - 1
Query on Handling Bandwidth
#53 opened by alexcpn - 28
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ULS Path data incomplete for AFCS.SIP.3
#47 opened by alexcpn - 0
Is there any correlation between availableFrequencyInfo and availableChannelInfo?
#46 opened by hollowopk - 2
When unable to fetch daily data from FCC ULS, such as when FCC does not update the data on a particular day, should the AFC System continue to provide services?
#45 opened by hollowopk - 45
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AFC output validation with response mask for Testvector 1 (AFCS.FSP.1_mask.json)
#39 opened by sbasu07 - 6
Failed to get AFC response
#36 opened by PaidupatiBharath - 1
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IBP 5-8 Masks Missing?
#37 opened by haroon-akhtar - 13
Clarification regarding Frequency Range AvailableSpectrumInquiryRequests and Response framing
#34 opened by alexcpn - 6
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Relax restriction on allowed mask response codes
#30 opened by AEgbert - 1
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