
Run_dbcan V2, using genomes/metagenomes/proteomes of any orgaisms(prokaryotes, fungi, plants, animals, viruses) to search for CAZymes.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



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A standalone tool of http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/

Rewritten by Huang Le in the Zhang Lab at NKU; V1 version was written by Tanner Yohe of the Yin lab at NIU.


  • v2.0.11 please use pip install run-dbcan==2.0.11 for update

    1. Add ec number prediction to hotpep result;
    2. 04/21/2020 dbCAN2 Hotpep PPR patterns updated to most recent release of CAZyDB (2019). Also missing group EC# files for families added in;
    3. Revising the output name file in hotpep as random number, to make the program more robust for paralleing running.
    4. Prioritizing the CAZyme prediction over TF/TC/STP prediction when preparing gff input file for CGC-Finder.
    5. Rewrite the installation steps. Recommend user to use customized virtual environment (use certain python version).
    6. Fix the duplicate ACC of tf-2.hmm to make it compatiable for the newest hmmer (3.3). Delete version limitatino to hmmer.
    7. Fix the prodigal predicted gff file end with ";" problem.
  • v2.0.6 released on Feb 17, 2020, please use pip install run-dbcan==2.0.6 for update We forgo FragGeneScan because this program does not work now. We use Prodigal instead. So, you don't need to use conda install fraggenescan now. We add extra information EC number to the last columns of Hotpep output to make it consistent with previous Hotpep result.


  • Accepts user input
  • Predicts genes if needed
  • Runs input against HMMER, DIAMOND, and Hotpep
  • Optionally predicts CGCs with CGCFinder

Support Platform

Linux(Ubuntu, CentOS), MacOS

Python Package Usage

  1. Please install Anoconda first.

  2. Create virtual environment with dependencies and activate the virtual environment.

conda create -n run_dbcan python=3.8 diamond hmmer prodigal -c conda-forge -c bioconda
conda activate run_dbcan
  1. Install this package with pip.
pip install run-dbcan==2.0.11
  1. Database Installation.
test -d db || mkdir db
cd db \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/CAZyDB.07312019.fa.nr && diamond makedb --in CAZyDB.07312019.fa.nr -d CAZy \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/dbCAN-HMMdb-V8.txt && mv dbCAN-HMMdb-V8.txt dbCAN.txt && hmmpress dbCAN.txt \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/tcdb.fa && diamond makedb --in tcdb.fa -d tcdb \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/tf-1.hmm && hmmpress tf-1.hmm \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/tf-2.hmm && hmmpress tf-2.hmm \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Databases/stp.hmm && hmmpress stp.hmm \
    && cd ../ && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Samples/EscheriaColiK12MG1655.fna \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Samples/EscheriaColiK12MG1655.faa \
    && wget http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/download/Samples/EscheriaColiK12MG1655.gff
  1. (Optional) SignalP Installation. Our program include Signalp Petitide prediction with SignalP. Make sure to set use_signalP=True and have to obtain your own academic license of SignalP and download it from here, and then move tarball (Signalp-4.1.tar.gz) into run_dbcan/tools/ by yourself. Following statement is singalP-4.0 installation instruction.
mkdir -p run_dbcan/tools && run_dbcan/tools/
tar xzf Signalp-4.1.tar.gz && cd Signalp-4.1

Edit the paragraph labeled "GENERAL SETTINGS, CUSTOMIZE ..." in the top of the file 'signalp'. The following twovmandatory variables need to be set:

SIGNALP		full path to the signalp-4.1 directory on your system
outputDir	where to store temporary files (writable to all users)

In addition, for practical reasons, it is possible to limit the number of input sequences allowed per run (MAX_ALLOWED_ENTRIES). For example:


# full path to the signalp-4.1 directory on your system (mandatory)
    $ENV{SIGNALP} = '/home/abc/Desktop/run_dbcan/tools/signalp-4.1';

# determine where to store temporary files (must be writable to all users)
my $outputDir = "/home/abc/Desktop/run_dbcan/tools/signalp-4.1/output";

# max number of sequences per run (any number can be handled)

And then, use this command:

sudo cp signalp /usr/bin/signalp
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/signalp
  1. Check Program.
run_dbcan.py EscheriaColiK12MG1655.fna prok --out_dir output_EscheriaColiK12MG1655

Docker version Usage(Don't Use it, because of revising, Please use Python Package above instead )

  1. Make sure docker is installed on your computer successfully.
  2. Docker pull image
docker pull haidyi/run_dbcan:latest
  1. Run. Mount input sequence file and output directory to the container.
docker run --name <preferred_name> -v <host-path>:<container-path> -it haidyi/run_dbcan:latest python run_dbcan.py <input_file> [params] --out_dir <output_dir>

Update info

  • 10/08/2019 We create a python package. Be sure to install Anaconda or Miniconda first, and then use the following commands to install our program one time. We strongly recommend you to use virtual environment to seperate your own system and this executive scripts. Please make sure to use conda install -c bioconda diamond hmmer prodigal and database installation script to have the appropriate dependencies and database installed and configured. Thanks for suggestion and contribution from tesujimath .

  • 04/15/2019 We created a docker image of run_dbcan. Make sure to install docker properly. Thanks for suggestion and contributions from Haidyi.

  • 1/10/2019 We rewritted program and added stp hmmdb signature gene in CGC_Finder.py (stp means signal transduction proteins; the hmmdb was constructed by Catherine Ausland of the Yin lab at NIU). Then Change tfdb from tfdb to tf.hmm, which is added to db/ directory (tfdb was a fasta format sequence file, which contains just bacterial transcription factor proteins; tf.hmm is a hmmer format file containing hmms downloaded from the Pfam and SUPERFAMILY database according to the DBD database: http://www.transcriptionfactor.org). Also, our project updates dbCAN-HMM db(V8) and CAZy db. Furthermore, we fixed bugs in HotPep python version to fit python 3 user. Last but not least, we added certain codes to make it robust. Thanks for hmmscan-parser.py suggestion from Mick.



P.S.: You do not need to download CGCFinder, Hotpep-Python and hmmscan-parser because they are included in run_dbcan V2. If you use python package or docker, you don't need to download Prodigal because they includes these denpendencies. Otherwise we recommend you to install and copy them into /usr/bin as system application or add their path into system envrionmental profile.

[Python3]--Be sure to use python3, not python2

DIAMOND-- please install from github as instructions.


hmmscan-parser--This is included in dbCAN2.

Hotpep-Python--This newest version is included in dbCAN2.

signalp--please download and install if you need.

Prodigal--please download and install if you need.

[!we no longer use FragGeneScan to predict genes from meta genome, we use Prodigal instead]FragGeneScan--please download and install if you need.

CGCFinder--This newest version is included in dbCAN2 project.

DATABASES Installation

Databse -- Database Folder

CAZyDB.07312019.fa--use diamond makedb --in CAZyDB.07312019.fa -d CAZy

[PPR]:included in Hotpep

dbCAN-HMMdb-V8.txt--First use mv dbCAN-HMMdb-V8.txt dbCAN.txt, then use hmmpress dbCAN.txt

tcdb.fa--use diamond makedb --in tcdb.fa -d tcdb

tf-1.hmm--use hmmpress tf-1.hmm

tf-2.hmm--use hmmpress tf-2.hmm

stp.hmm--use hmmpress stp.hmm


[inputFile] - FASTA format file of either nucleotide or protein sequences

[inputType] - protein=proteome, prok=prokaryote, meta=metagenome/mRNA/CDSs/short DNA seqs

[--out_dir] - REQUIRED, user specifies an output directory.

[-c AuxillaryFile]- optional, include to enable CGCFinder. If using a proteome input, the AuxillaryFile must be a GFF or BED format file containing gene positioning information. Otherwise, the AuxillaryFile may be left blank.

[-t Tools] - optional, allows user to select a combination of tools to run. The options are any combination of 'diamond', 'hmmer', and 'hotpep'. The default value is 'all' which runs all three tools.

[--dbCANFile] - optional, allows user to set the file name of dbCAN HMM Database.

[--dia_eval] - optional, allows user to set the DIAMOND E Value. Default = 1e-102.

[--dia_cpu] - optional, allows user to set how many CPU cores DIAMOND can use. Default = 2.

[--hmm_eval] - optional, allows user to set the HMMER E Value. Default = 1e-15.

[--hmm_cov] - optional, allows user to set the HMMER Coverage value. Default = 0.35.

[--hmm_cpu] - optional, allows user to set how many CPU cores HMMER can use. Default = 1.

[--hot_hits] - optional, allows user to set the Hotpep Hits value. Default = 6.

[--hot_freq] - optional, allows user to set the Hotpep Frequency value. Default = 2.6.

[--hot_cpu] - optional, allows user to set how many CPU cores Hotpep can use. Default = 3.

[--tf_eval] - optional, allows user to set tf.hmm HMMER E Value. Default = 1e-4.

[--tf_cov] - optional, allows user to set tf.hmm HMMER Coverage val. Default = 0.35.

[--tf_cpu] - optional, allows user to tf.hmm Number of CPU cores that HMMER is allowed to use. Default = 1.

[--stp_eval] - optional, allows user to set stp.hmm HMMER E Value. Default = 1e-4.

[--tf_cov] - optional, allows user to set stp.hmm HMMER Coverage val. Default = 0.3.

[--tf_cpu] - optional, allows user to stp.hmm Number of CPU cores that HMMER is allowed to use. Default = 1.

[--out_pre] - optional, allows user to set a prefix for all output files.

[--db_dir] - optional, allows user to specify a database directory. Default = db/

[--cgc_dis] - optional, allows user to specify CGCFinder Distance value. Allowed values are integers between 0-10. Default = 2.

[--use_signalP] - optional, Use signalP or not, remember, you need to setup signalP tool first. Because of signalP license, python package does not have signalP. If your input is proteome/prokaryote nucleotide, please also certify the "--gram"(in the below). Default = False.

[--gram] - optional, Choose gram+(p) or gram-(n) for proteome/prokaryote nucleotide, which are params of SignalP, only if you use SignalP. Only you set use_signalP. The options are: "all"(gram positive + gram negative), "n"(gram negative), "p"(gram positive). Default = "all".


Use following command to run the program.

run_dbcan.py [inputFile] [inputType] [-c AuxillaryFile] [-t Tools] etc.

Several files will be produced via run_dbcan.py. They are as follows:

uniInput - The unified input file for the rest of the tools
		(created by prodigal if a nucleotide sequence was used)

Hotpep.out - the output from the Hotpep run

diamond.out - the output from the diamond blast

hmmer.out - the output from the hmmer run

tf.out - the output from the diamond blast predicting TF's for CGCFinder

tc.out - the output from the diamond blast predicting TC's for CGCFinder

cgc.gff - GFF input file for CGCFinder

cgc.out - ouput from the CGCFinder run

overview.txt - Details the CAZyme predictions across the three tools with signalp results


An example setup is available in the example directory. Included in this directory are two FASTA sequences (one protein, one nucleotide).

To run this example type, run:

run_dbcan.py EscheriaColiK12MG1655.fna prok --out_dir output_EscheriaColiK12MG1655


run_dbcan.py EscheriaColiK12MG1655.faa protein --out_dir output_EscheriaColiK12MG1655

While this example directory contains all the databases you will need (already formatted) and the Hotpep and Prodigal programs, you will still need to have the remaining programs installed on your machine (DIAMOND, HMMER, etc.).

To run the examples with CGCFinder turned on, run:

run_dbcan.py EscheriaColiK12MG1655.fna prok -c cluster --out_dir output_EscheriaColiK12MG1655


run_dbcan.py EscheriaColiK12MG1655.faa protein -c EscheriaColiK12MG1655.gff --out_dir output_EscheriaColiK12MG1655

Notice that the protein command has a GFF file following the -c option. A GFF or BED format file with gene position information is required to run CGCFinder when using a protein input.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact with Dr. Yin (yanbin.yin@gmail.com or yyin@unl.edu) or me (Le Huang) on Issue Dashboard.


This is the standalone version of dbCAN annotation tool for automated CAZyme annotation (known as run_dbCAN.py), written by Le Huang and Tanner Yohe.

If you want to use our dbCAN2 webserver, please go to http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/.

If you use dbCAN standalone tool or/and our web server for publication, please cite us:

Han Zhang, Tanner Yohe, Le Huang, Sarah Entwistle, Peizhi Wu, Zhenglu Yang, Peter K Busk, Ying Xu, Yanbin Yin; dbCAN2: a meta server for automated carbohydrate-active enzyme annotation, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 46, Issue W1, 2 July 2018, Pages W95–W101, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gky418

author = {Zhang, Han and Yohe, Tanner and Huang, Le and Entwistle, Sarah and Wu, Peizhi and Yang, Zhenglu and Busk, Peter K and Xu, Ying and Yin, Yanbin},
title = {dbCAN2: a meta server for automated carbohydrate-active enzyme annotation},
journal = {Nucleic Acids Research},
volume = {46},
number = {W1},
pages = {W95-W101},
year = {2018},
doi = {10.1093/nar/gky418},
URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gky418},
eprint = {/oup/backfile/content_public/journal/nar/46/w1/10.1093_nar_gky418/1/gky418.pdf}

If you want to use pre-computed bacterial CAZyme sequences/annotations directly, please go to http://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN_seq/ and cite us:

Le Huang, Han Zhang, Peizhi Wu, Sarah Entwistle, Xueqiong Li, Tanner Yohe, Haidong Yi, Zhenglu Yang, Yanbin Yin; dbCAN-seq: a database of carbohydrate-active enzyme (CAZyme) sequence and annotation, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 46, Issue D1, 4 January 2018, Pages D516–D521, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkx894*

author = {Huang, Le and Zhang, Han and Wu, Peizhi and Entwistle, Sarah and Li, Xueqiong and Yohe, Tanner and Yi, Haidong and Yang, Zhenglu and Yin, Yanbin},
title = {dbCAN-seq: a database of carbohydrate-active enzyme (CAZyme) sequence and annotation},
journal = {Nucleic Acids Research},
volume = {46},
number = {D1},
pages = {D516-D521},
year = {2018},
doi = {10.1093/nar/gkx894},
URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkx894},
eprint = {/oup/backfile/content_public/journal/nar/46/d1/10.1093_nar_gkx894/2/gkx894.pdf}