
Primary LanguageHTML

My Text Based RPG

April 15rd, 2020


This site is a text based rpg that players create characters fight monsters in a fantasty world, level up and find epic loot

This site is already linked to an index.html, styles.css, jQuery.js(3.4.1), scripts.js., main.js, jest, babel, lint, webpack, json, & gitignore

Setup/Installation Requirements

Make sure you have git version control installed on your computer.

  1. Click the green 'Clone or Download' button and copy the link / download the zip
  2. Open terminal and type... or skip to the 2nd #3 if you downloaded the zip


cd desktop

Mac & linux

cd ~/Desktop
  1. in terminal type 'git clone {link to repository} '
git clone {link to repository}
  1. If you downloaded the zip then extract all onto your desktop
  2. Open your the folder with VSC or an equivalent
  3. Run $ npm install
  4. Run $ npm run build
  5. Run $ npm run start
  6. Enjoy


Behavior Driven Development Spec List


Behavior Input Output
The program propmts the user to input name identification 'Name' 'Creates character "Name"'
The program prompts character selection 'Selects from dropdown' '"Warrior", "Wizard", "Rogue"'
The program prompts the journey's backstory 'Click Start' 'Intro story populates'
The program prompts the user to move forward through the story 'Click venture forth' 'Character moves to next prompt'
The program will prompt user into battles upon entry of a new scene 'Click venture forth' 'Battle Ensues'
The program describes the battle scene 'Entered scene' 'Battle Location/Opponent description'
The program prompts a d6 roll for player and monster. Highest roll goes first & ties default to monster victory. 'd6 roll' 'highest number goes first, ties default to monster victory'
The program will prompt user to "Attack", "Block", "Heal" 'Attk' 'Blk' 'Heal' '-1' , 'negate effect' , '+1'
The program will prompt monster to "Attack", "Block", "Heal" 'Attk' 'Blk' 'Heal' '-1' , 'negate effect' , '+1'
The program will prompt win for user or monster after health = 0 'Attk' 'Hit' -1 Health
The program will prompt scene restart if user hits 0 health 'You've been killed' 'Scene restart'
The program distributes loot to player upon battle victory 'You've killed (monster name)' 'Received (loot) from (monster name)'
The program will level up user health by 10% after monster/scene completion 'Defeat Monster' 'Level up health by 10%
After battle victory the program prompts user choice: 'Go to town', 'Search Room', 'Continue' 'Town', 'Search', 'Continue'
After battle victory or scene change health is reset to full 'battle victory', 'scene change' 'Health reset to full'
If user chooses 'Continue' program propmts next scene 'Continue' 'Next Scene'
If user chooses 'Search Room' program will prompt d6 roll, 'if roll = 1-3', 'if roll = 4-6' 'user fights duplicate monster', 'user gains two pieces of loot'
If user chooses 'Go to town' program prompts town text 'Go to town' 'Welcome to town, would you like to sell loot at the Merchant to buy goods?'
Once in town user is propmted with three choices 'Buy', 'Sell', 'Adventure' 'Buy from merchant', 'Sell to merchant', 'Go back to adventuring'
Program will return + 1 currency for each sold loot 'Sell (loot)' '+1 Currency'
Program will prompt user to choose from purchase menu 'Attk Upgrade' 'Heal Upgrade" '+ 1 hit points' '+ 1 Healing'
Program will charge $3 per item upgrade 'Attk Upgrade' '-$3 from user currency'
Program will describe final battle scene and boss details upon user entering final scene 'Venture forth to Finale!' 'Final scene and boss description (Boss will have 2x Attk & Health)'
Program will prompt an epilogue upon victory 'Boss health = 0' 'Epilogue'

Known Bugs

N/A - 4/15/2020




Email: watkins92@gmail.com Email: seanbeloussow@yahoo.com

Built With

Useful tools


This project is licensed under the MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Nathan Watkins-Hoagland & Sean VanLeeuwen