
This project was created to bring together most of the tools used in CTF to solve steganography challenges.

Primary LanguageShell


This project was created to bring together most of the tools used in CTF to solve steganography challenges. You will find tools to be used in command line and graphical interface under different operating systems but also web.


# git clone https://github.com/WiseLife42/Steganography_Tools
# cd Steganography_Tools
# chmod +x steganography_tools.sh
# ./steganography_tools.sh


Command line Tools

Tool File types Description Command OS
exiftool a lot ExifTool is a command line utility for reading, writing and editing meta information in a wide variety of files exiftool -h Linux/Windows
exiv2 a lot Exiv2 is a command line utility to manage image metadata exifv2 -h Linux/Windows
png-parser PNG png-parser is a tool to analyser PNG files (display different chunks informations) png-parser -h Linux/Windows
paddinganograph PNG/JPG Paddinganograph is a tool to unhide data hidden in base32/base64 strings paddinganograph --help Linux/Windows
stegopvd PNG/JPG StegoPVD is a tool to apply steganography based on PVD (Pixel Value Differencing) in order to retrieve hidden data from an image stegopvd --help Linux/Windows
stegolsb PNG/JPG StegoLSB is a tool to apply steganography based on LSB (Least Significant Bit) in order to retrieve hidden data from an image stegolsb --help Linux/Windows
stegopit PNG/JPG StegoPIT is a tool to apply steganography based on PIT (Pixel Indicator Technique) in order to retrieve hidden data from an image stegopit --help Linux/Windows
pdf-parser PDF pdf-parser is a tool to parse a PDF document to identify the fundamental elements used in the analyzed file python3 pdf-parser Linux/Windows
make_pdf_tools PDF make_pdf_tools allows you to create a simple PDF document with embedded JavaScript that will run when you open the PDF document or with an embedded file python make-pdf-embedded.py and python make-pdf-javascript.py Linux/Windows
peepdf PDF peepdf is a Python tool to explore PDF files in order to find out if the file can be harmful or not python peepdf.py Linux/Windows
pdftotext PDF Extracts text from a PDF file pdftotext -h Linux
pdfimages PDF Extracts images from a PDF file pdfimages -h Linux
pdftohtml PDF Convert a PDF file to HTML pdftohtml -h Linux
pdftops PDF Convert a PDF file to Postscript pdftops -h Linux
pdfinfo PDF Allows you to obtain information from a PDF file pdfinfo -h Linux
pdffonts PDF Allows you to obtain information on the fonts pdffonts -h Linux
pdfid PDF pdfid is a tool to scan a pdf to look for certain keywords, allowing you to identify PDF documents that contain (for example) JavaScript or execute an action when opened python3 pdfid.py -h Linux/Windows
pdftool PDF pdftool is a tool where you can check if a PDF contains incremental updates, and select the versions you want python3 pdftool.py -h Linux/Windows
Stegano a lot Stegano is a pure Python Steganography module to hide and reveal messages from stegano import * Linux/Windows
pngcheck PNG/JNG/MNG pngcheck verifies the integrity of image files (by checking the internal 32-bit CRCs, a.k.a. checksums, and decompressing the image data) pngcheck -h Linux/Windows/Mac/FreeBSD
stegextract a lot Stegextract is a tool to extract hidden files and strings from images stegextract -h Linux/Windows
foremost a lot Foremost est un outil utilisé pour récupérer simplement des fichiers qui ont été effacés où encore des fichiers "disparus" foremost --h Linux/Windows
steghide IMAGE/AUDIO Steghide is a steganography program that is able to hide data in various kinds of image- and audio-files steghide --help Linux/Windows
zsteg PNG/BMP zsteg is a tool use to detect stegano-hidden data zsteg -h Linux/Windows
stegoveritas a lot Automatic image steganography analysis tool stegoveritas -h Linux/Windows
outguess a lot Outguess is a universal steganographic tool that allows the insertion of hidden and reveal information into the redundant bits of data sources outguess Linux/Windows
binwalk a lot Binwalk is a fast, easy to use tool for analyzing and extracting data binwalk -h Linux/Windows
ffmpeg AUDIO/VIDEO A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video ffmpeg -h Linux/Windows
stegpy IMAGE/AUDIO stegpy is a tool used for encoding and decoding information in image and audio files through steganography stegpy -h Linux/Windows
lsb-steganography PNG/JPG LSB-Steganography is a stegonographical methods to hide and reveal files in images using the Least Significant Bit technique lsbsteg -h Linux/Windows
openstego a lot OpenStego is a tool to hide and extract data from an image openstego -h Linux/Windows
stegsnow a lot This utility can conceal and hide messages in ASCII text by appending whitespaces to the end of lines stegsnow -h Linux/Windows
stegseek a lot Stegseek is a lightning fast steghide cracker that can be used to extract hidden data from files stegseek --help Linux/Windows
ElectronicColoringBook File types The tool allows you to colorize data file according to repetitive chunks, typical in ECB encrypted electroniccoloringbook Linux/Windows

Gui Tools

Tool Description OS
pdftk PDFtk is our friendly graphical tool for quickly merging and splitting PDF documents and pages Linux/Windows
spectrology Images to audio files with corresponding spectrograms encoder Linux/Windows
FFTStegPic A python script for digital image steganography using Fast Fourier Transform Linux/Windows
qsstv QSSTV is an amateur radio tool to receive and transmit Slow Scan Television (SSTV) and Faxes via radio waves Linux/Windows
sonic-visualiser Sonic Visualiser is a free application for Visualisation, analysis, and annotation of music audio recordings Linux/Windows
steg Steg is a software program that uses steganography and cryptography techniques to hide and find information in compressed and uncompressed images Linux/Windows
steganabara Steganabara is a tool to allows colour analysis to an image Linux/Windows
stegsolve StegSolve is a tool that allows the analysis of images in depth, we find in particular different possible views depending on the color layers Linux/Windows
OpenPuff OpenPuff is a tool to hide and unhide data from images Windows
WavePad WavePad is an audio editing software Windows

Web App

Tool File types Description
photo-forensics a lot Photo-Forensics is a set of tools to forensically analyze photos
aperi'solve a lot Aperi'Solve is an online platform which performs layer analysis on image
tweet-hidden-message / Tweet-Hidden-Message is a web app to hide and reveal secret messages in your tweets
zxing barcode ZXing is a web tool to decode a 1D or 2D barcode from an image on the web
npiet PPM/PNG/GIF npiet is an interpreter for piet programs
multi-tap phone / Multitap replaces a letter by repeated digits defined by the corresponding key code on a mobile phone keypad
dtmf detect AUDIO dtmf detect is a web app to detect DTMF codes (touch-tone phone keys)
fourfier IMAGE Fourfier is a web app tool used to filter images and investigate 2D Fourier Transforms
dialABC AUDIO DialABC allows you to find DTMF tones in audio clips
code_sheet / A collection of many different codes