Plain Koa middleware for serving the client application
In your quadro project install dependency
npm install @wisersolutions/koa-serve-client
Add the middleware to Koa server:
const { serveClient } = require('@wisersolutions/koa-serve-client')
const koa = /* ... create or get your server instance ... */
//rootDir: resolve('./'),
//staticDir: resolve(rootDir, './static'),
//distDir: resolve(rootDir, './dist'),
//indexFile: resolve(distDir, './index.html'),
//exclude: ::/^\/(?:static|api)\//.test,
//log: ::console.log
By default it serves:
- all content of
- all content of
at root - the index file for everything else except for
Install dependencies using:
npm install
After you modify sources, run the following (or set up your IDE to do it for you):
- format the code using
npm run format
- lint it using
npm run lint
- test it using
npm test
and fix the errors, if there are any.
Publishing is done in two steps:
- Create a new version tag and push it to the repository:
npm version <patch|minor|major> git push --follow-tags
- Build and publish the new version as a npm package:
npm publish --access public