R11.1 V15 25-Aug-2023
- Synced with latest fox_11.0 changes
- Adjusted some device settings
- Updated build vars to latest
- Added better device detection script
R11.1 V14 07-Nov-2022
- Adjusted some devive specific settings
- Exclude /data/fonts from Backup to avoid errors during Backup
- Changed splash screen background color to black
R11.1 V13 06-Sep-2022
- Switched to Meteoric Kernel to Support Oneplus 9R
R11.1 V12 02-Sep-2022
- Synced with latest OrangeFox R11.1 changes
R11.1 V11 23-Aug-2022
- Synced with latest OrangeFox R11.1 changes
R11.1 V10 08-Aug-2022
- Synced with latest OrangeFox R11.1 changes
R11.1 V9 01-June-2022
- Synced with latest OrangeFox R11.1 changes
R11.1 V8 07-May-2022
- Synced with latest OrangeFox R11.1 changes
R11.1 V7 23-Apr-2022
- Synced with latest OrangeFox R11.1 changes
R11.1 V6 11-Mar-2022
- Synced with latest OrangeFox R11.1 changes
R11.1 V5 19-Feb-2022
- Merged latest changes from TWRP into Orangefox
- Synced with latest OrangeFox R11.1 changes
- Fixed lemonkebab as TARGET_DEVICE_ALT
R11.1 V4 14-Feb-2022
- Synced with latest OrangeFox R11.1 changes
- Added lemonkebab as TARGET_DEVICE_ALT
- Removed option to change the splash screen image (as this is not working correctly right now!)
- Adjusted some settings for OrangeFox
R11.1 V3 04-Feb-2022
- Synced with latest OrangeFox R11.1 changes
- Added Maintainer avatar picture
- Added some vars for Android 12
- Fixed screen specification settings
R11.1 V2 26-Jan-2022
- Changed device name from kebab to OnePlus8T
- Some small bug fixes
R11.1 V1 20-Jan-2022
- Initial release of OrangeFox Recovery for the Oneplus8T
Setup repo tool from here https://source.android.com/setup/develop#installing-repo
Sync TWRP manifest:
repo init --depth=1 -u https://github.com/minimal-manifest-twrp/platform_manifest_twrp_aosp.git -b twrp-11
Make a directory named local_manifest under .repo, and create a new manifest file, for example local_manifests.xml and then paste the following
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remote name="github"
fetch="https://github.com/" />
<project path="device/oneplus/kebab"
revision="android-11" />
You might need to pick few patches from gerrit.twrp.me to get some stuff working.
Sync the sources with
repo sync -j$(nproc --all)
To build, execute these commands in order
. build/envsetup.sh; export ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=true; export LC_ALL=C; lunch twrp_kebab-eng; make -j$(nproc --all) adbd recoveryimage
To test it:
# To temporarily boot it
fastboot boot out/target/product/kebab/recovery.img
# Since 8T has a separate recovery partition, you can flash the recovery with
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
Kernel: https://github.com/LineageOS/android_kernel_oneplus_sm8250
- theincognito-inc for this TWRP device tree for the Oneplus 8t
- bigbiff for decryption
- Systemad for original tree
- CaptainThrowback for original tree
- mauronofrio for original tree
- TWRP team