
Contributor: Ziming Dong

Dataset: Visual Genome https://visualgenome.org/

Task Assigned

  • Visual Genome (Simply convert into the required format) + Image Augmentations (Flip, Rotate etc.) + Language Augmentations (Back-translation, negations etc.) OR Visual Navigation (Simply convert into the required format) + Image Augmentations (Flip, Rotate etc.) + Language Augmentations (Back-translation, negations etc.)


  • There are three ipynb files, the example_image_augmentation.ipynb and example_word_augmentation.ipynb shows that I used different APIs to do the image augmentation and annotation augmentation work. After I clear the best API to do the data augmentation work, I used them to create the new dataset in final_data_creation.ipynb. Those APIs are: visual_genome, imgaug, nlpaug.
  • For the new image creation, I create about 2700 images with using imgaug API, visual_genome API provided all iamges and annotation function, so I extract images and text information without downloading them. For the first 500 images, I flip the original image horizontally. For the 500th-1000th image, I flip the original image horizontally and add additiveGaussianNoise to get new images. For the 1000th-1500th images I use AddtoHue augmentor to augment the original image. For the 1500th-2000th images, I use both flip and AddtoHue augmentors to create new images. For the 2000th-2700th images, I use flip, AddtoHue and additiveGaussianNoise augmentor to create those new images.
  • For the relationship augmentation work, I use nlpaug API and the relationship_aliases.txt to create new expression of relationship between objects. Becasue I partition the datasets for several parts, I randomly use nlpaug augmenter to recreate the relationship, such as nlpaug.augmenter.char, nlpaug.augmenter.word, and nlpaug.augmenter.sentence or the relationship_aliases.txt file to replace the old relationship to the new one based on the synonyms words.

Instruction of API environment/packages