

mac安装maven后重启terminal mvn指令not found. https://blog.csdn.net/With_Her/article/details/104144109


  • git branch
  • git branch -a
  • git checkout -b branchname
  • git push -u origin branchname
  • git checkout branchname
  • you are not allowed to push code to this project, git 权限不是developer是reporter
  • git reset --hard HEAD^ 返回git的上一个版本

SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

  • git config --global user.name [username]
  • git config --global user.email [email]
  • git config --global http.sslVerify false
  • 可以正常pull了

Git rebase流程

  • 1.git add. 2.git commit -m "commit message" 3.git rebase 4.git rebase -i HEAD~3(数字代表合几个commit)5.然后把第一个commit保留pick开头,把下面的commit开头改为s(后面加空格)6.git log看看刚才合并的commit是不是在一个 7.git push -f origin dev_userinfo (强行push)8.发现behind落后dev分支 9.git checkout dev/ git pull origin dev 10.git checkout dev_userinfo/ git pull from origin. 11.放弃rebase的话, git rebase --abort
  • https://juejin.cn/post/6844903600976576519

IntelliJ IDEA Springboot问题

  • mvn clean package完文件全变蓝然后先跑通服务器再stash(试试先进root再mvn clean package)
  • 用户进root: sudo su -
  • root切换到用户: sudo su - dongziming
  • git stash
  • 记得 git stash clear

debug mode

  • step over 进行下一行
  • step into 进入这一行的方法
  • resume program 进入下一个断点

Permission denined when building proejct

  • dongziming@dongzimingdeMacBook-Pro aiworks % sudo chmod -R 777 *


  • 在service上面加@Lazy注释



kill falsk 进程

  • ps aux|grep flask
  • kill -9 进程号

kill java 进程

  • jps(查看java进程)
  • kill -9 进程号

uwsgi flask

  • sh start.sh / sh stop.sh
  • 看uwsgi_log tail -f uwsgi.log


  • vim ~/.bashrc
  • alias test='cd desktop;cd foldername'
  • source ~/.bashrc