
MQTT Client protocol for Twisted.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


MQTT Client protocol for Twisted.


twisted-mqtt is a library using the Twisted framework and implementing the MQTT protocol (v3.1 & v3.1.1) in these flavours:

  • pure subscriber
  • pure publisher
  • or a mixing of both


Just type:

sudo pip install twisted-mqtt

or from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/astrorafael/twisted-mqtt.git
cd twisted-mqtt
sudo python setup.py install


I started writting this software after finding Adam Rudd's MQTT.py code. A small part his code is still there. However, I soon began taking my own direction both in design and scope.

Function/methods docstrings contain quotes of the OASIS mqtt-v3.1.1 standard.

MQTT Version 3.1.1. Edited by Andrew Banks and Rahul Gupta. 29 October 2014. OASIS Standard. http://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/os/mqtt-v3.1.1-os.html. Latest version: http://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/mqtt-v3.1.1.html.


The APIs are described in the library defined interfaces

This library builds MQTTProtocol objects and is designed to be used rather than inherited.

Publisher Example

from twisted.logger import Logger, LogLevel
from twisted.internet import reactor, task
from twisted.application.service import Service
from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint

from mqtt.client.factory import MQTTFactory
from mqtt.logger import startLogging
from mqtt import v31

class MyService(Service):

	def gotProtocol(self, p):
		self.protocol = p
		d = p.connect("TwistedMQTT-pub", keepalive=0, version=v31)
		d.addCallbacks(self.prepareToPublish, self.printError)
	def prepareToPublish(self, *args):
		self.task = task.LoopingCall(self.publish)

	def publish(self):
		d = self.protocol.publish(topic="foo/bar/baz1", qos=0, message="hello world 0")
		d = self.protocol.publish(topic="foo/bar/baz2", qos=1, message="hello world 1")
		d = self.protocol.publish(topic="foo/bar/baz3", qos=2, message="hello world 2")

   def printError(self, *args):
		log.debug("args={args!s}", args=args)

if __name__ == '__main__':
	import sys
	log = Logger()
	startLogging(sys.stdout, LogLevel.debug)

	factory = MQTTFactory(profile=MQTTFactory.PUBLISHER)
	point   = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, "test.mosquitto.org", 1883)
	serv    = MyService()

	d = point.connect(factory)


Subscriber Example

from twisted.logger import Logger, LogLevel
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.application.service import Service
from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint

from mqtt.client.factory import MQTTFactory
from mqtt.logger import startLogging

class MyService(Service):

	def gotProtocol(self, p):
		self.protocol = p
		d = p.connect("TwistedMQTT-subs", keepalive=0)

	def subscribe(self, *args):
		d = self.protocol.subscribe("foo/bar/baz1", 2 )
		d = self.protocol.subscribe("foo/bar/baz2", 2 )
		d = self.protocol.subscribe("foo/bar/baz3", 2 )

	def onPublish(self, topic, payload, qos, dup, retain, msgId):
	   log.debug("topic = {topic}, msg={payload} qos = {qos}, dup ={dup} retain={retain}, msgId={id}", topic=topic, payload=payload, 
			qos=qos, dup=dup, retain=retain, id=msgId)

	def grantedQoS(self, *args):
		log.debug("args={args!r}", args=args)

if __name__ == '__main__':
	import sys
	log = Logger()
	startLogging(sys.stdout, LogLevel.debug)

	factory = MQTTFactory(profile=MQTTFactory.SUBSCRIBER)
	point   = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, "test.mosquitto.org", 1883)
	serv    = MyService()

	d = point.connect(factory).addCallback(serv.gotProtocol)

Publisher/Subscriber Example

from twisted.logger import Logger, LogLevel
from twisted.internet import reactor, task
from twisted.application.service import Service
from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint

from mqtt.client.factory import MQTTFactory
from mqtt.logger import startLogging

log = Logger()

class MyService(Service):

	def gotProtocol(self, p):
		self.protocol = p
		d = p.connect("TwistedMQTT-pubsubs", keepalive=0)

	def subscribe(self, *args):
		d = self.protocol.subscribe("foo/bar/baz", 0 )

	def onPublish(self, topic, payload, qos, dup, retain, msgId):
	   log.debug("topic = {topic}, msg={payload} qos = {qos}, dup ={dup} retain={retain}, msgId={id}", topic=topic, payload=payload, 
			qos=qos, dup=dup, retain=retain, id=msgId)

	def prepareToPublish(self, *args):
		self.task = task.LoopingCall(self.publish)

	def publish(self):
		d = self.protocol.publish(topic="foo/bar/baz", message="hello friends")

	def printError(self, *args):
		log.debug("args={args!s}", args=args)

if __name__ == '__main__':
	import sys
	log = Logger()
	startLogging(sys.stdout, LogLevel.debug)

	factory = MQTTFactory(profile=MQTTFactory.PUBLISHER | MQTTFactory.SUBSCRIBER)
	point   = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, "test.mosquitto.org", 1883)
	serv    = MyService()

	d = point.connect(factory).addCallback(serv.gotProtocol)

Design Notes

There is a separate MQTTProtocol in each module implementing a different profile (subscriber, publiser, publisher/subscriber). The MQTTBaseProtocol and the various MQTTProtocol classes implement a State Pattern to avoid the "if spaghetti code" in the connection states. A basic state machine is built into the MQTTBaseProtocol and the ConnectedState is patched according to the profile.

The publisher/subscriber is a mixin class implemented by delegation. The composite manage connection state and forwards all client requests and network events to the proper delegate. The trick is that the connection state must be shared between all protocol instances, using class variables. Also, the transport is shared with the delegates so that they can write as if they were not in a container.


The current implementation has the following limitations:

  • This library does not claim to be full comformant to the standard.

  • There is a limited form of session persistance for the publisher. Pending acknowledges for PUBLISH and PUBREL are kept in RAM and outlive the connection and the protocol object while Twisted is running. However, they are not stored in a persistent medium.

For the time being, I consider this library to be in Alpha state.


I wrote this library for my pet projects and learn Twisted. However, it goes a long way from an apparently looking good library to an industrial-strength, polished product. I don't simply have the time, energy and knowledge to do so.

Some areas in which this can be improved:

  • Include a thorough test battery.
  • Improve documentation.
  • etc.