
A discord bot to play Card-Jitsu

Primary LanguagePython


A discord bot to play card-jitsu. Host it yourself and run it in as many servers as you want... [To Do]


Sensei allows... [To Do]

Aditionally, a command line interfaze for general configuration and mantainance is included within the repository. Run it by typing:

python senseiCLI.py help

In the command prompt.

How to run

A couple of python modules, configuration files and a database instance are needed for the application to run properly. We've provided a setup.cmd file that will automate the process of getting you setup up.

First of all, ensure that you have python 3.8 or higher installed and properly added to path. To check you python version run:

python --version

pip will also be necesary, if you installed python this should also be in you machine, make sure by typing:

pip --version 

in the command prompt. This two should reference the same python version.

Once thats done, run setup.cmd by double clicking the file. This will open a command prompt, install or upgrade all dependence python modules, ensure that configuration files exists and initialize a new instance of the database with all default values. When prompted with Configuration File Overwrite accept and wait until the procedure ends and the window close.

Now that's done, the following python modules will be install and upgraded:

  • discord.py
  • termcolor
  • db-sqlite3

Also, two new files should appear on you project folder:

  • database.db The bot database instance, this will store all realated data.
  • config.ini The *.ini file, containing all personal configuration for CLI, database and bot behaviour.

Finally, a discord bot application is necesary to connect with the discord API, open config.ini and assing your token to the token attribute under the [DISCORD] section:

token = <your token goes here>

replace <your token goes here> with you personal token.

When creating you discord application make sure to enable both message and memebers intends. For more information in how to create a discord bot application, please refere to discord.py official documentation.

And that it! Type:

python senseiBot.py

and you sensei bot instance will launch. Have fun!