It's a YouTube clone app.
- Material UI
- React and react-router
- Vite
- build and deployed to Netlify
Primary Color: #FF6B6B (Coral Pink) - This warm and inviting color can evoke feelings of creativity and passion.
Secondary Color: #2C3E50 (Navy) - A dark, sophisticated background color for contrast.
Accent Color: #FFA500 (Orange) - This lively and attention-grabbing color can be used for interactive elements and highlights.
Light Gray: #F5F5F5 - A soft and subtle light gray that can be used for backgrounds and less prominent elements.
Medium Gray: #888888 - A mid-range gray that can be used for text and some UI elements, providing a good balance between light and dark.
Dark Gray: #333333 - This is the same dark gray from the original color scheme, which can be used for backgrounds and to create contrast in the design.