It's a pet project (pun intended) that is meant to help pet owners (both indivual, as well as biggers ones, like shelters) keep up-to-date with their pet's health, medication, and appointments. It can also be useful for easily sharing your pet's data (feeding schedule, etc.) with your pet sitter.
Deployed with Vercel:
- stores and displays basic pet data (like: age, species, name)
- allows to add/edit/remove pet data and pets (CRUD) (under development)
- stores and displays vet appointments, vaccinations and medications info
In progress:
- authentication
- sends reminders for an upcoming appointment
- has a photo gallery (uploading images, deleting images)
- tracks walks (for dogs)
- displays daily pet's fun fact
- naming the app
- connecting custom domain
For full project documentation, check Wiki: