- 1
- 3
Feature Request: MFT Resident Files
#190 opened by IppSec - 3
MFT Alternate Data Streams
#191 opened by IppSec - 3
- 5
[Request] Add Verbose Dev-Logging
#198 opened by import-pandas-as-numpy - 1
[Bug] Chainsaw not added to devShell environment
#199 opened by unrooted - 1
[Bug] Chainsaw Accidentally Attempts to Parse Non-MFT Files when Signature Matches
#201 opened by reece394 - 2
did 2.10.1 release get re-tagged
#197 opened by chenrui333 - 6
Feature Request: Add $MFT Filename Support
#192 opened by reece394 - 8
XML2EVTX fails
#189 opened by ashokchokalingam - 1
Can this be run across network?
#188 opened by PowerPress - 0
why there is no LINUX/ARM64 Version of it...?
#186 opened by EeqMC2s - 3
Feature Request: Ability to Filter the Output View
#187 opened by IppSec - 5
Improve handling of registry hives
#185 opened by JakePeralta7 - 0
Feature Request: Add Parsing Capabilities for Registry Hives and Rules Capabilities
#184 opened by JakePeralta7 - 3
- 1
Implement a K/V container
#178 opened by alexkornitzer - 2
Shim Cache Analysis Errors - input is out of range
#176 opened by pdutton-vc - 2
Support for Mac artefact filetypes
#175 opened by owentl - 2
Windows 11 Shim Cache Analysys Errors
#173 opened by pdutton-vc - 3
v2.9.1 mac X86 64 binary is actual an ARM64, not x86
#172 opened by rsulliva - 6
Tau for multiple variables?
#170 opened by Sil3ntgh0st - 1
- 7
- 2
- 1
Feature Request: Event Log ID / Sigma Summary
#160 opened by ssnkhan - 2
Search feature doesn't parse backslashes
#152 opened by b0s0z0ku - 4
[Feature Request] Support for "contains", "|" and "all" in both chainsaw and sigma rules
#149 opened by reece394 - 3
Looking for clarity for mft yaml 'filter' issue
#148 opened by gr3y56 - 1
No executable
#144 opened by TomHilk-learning - 9
Count column
#103 opened by mkwired - 2
-o flag not recognized
#141 opened by maikroservice - 29
Chainsaw uses a lot of RAM when processing large individual files with a large number of detections
#102 opened by KRUXLEX - 3
Missing Sigma Base64 Encoding?
#138 opened by L015H4CK - 7
Erroneous Sigma Results using Hunt option
#122 opened by OMENScan - 6
- 2
chainsaw project name collides with another rust project
#125 opened by xambroz - 5
- 1
v2.4+ seems to be unable to recognize Sigma alerts
#131 opened by Maspital - 6
Tau EventID Filter error
#128 opened by Richard1611 - 1
Check for potential I/0 error before processing
#121 opened by jfstenuit - 3
keyless identifiers cannot be converted
#120 opened by nbareil - 2
Hunt with WEC/WEF
#115 opened by Flexxi51 - 2
Invalid Tau Key Pair error
#114 opened by clareesespieces - 2
- 2
Add timestamp format to help output
#108 opened by m-terlinde - 12
- 1
Incorrect hunt examples displayed
#104 opened by Cleako - 6
chrono-tz phf dependency
#100 opened by chronocrate - 0
Issue with linux bash execution by multi directories
#101 opened by KRUXLEX