
Core contracts for Witness

Primary LanguageSolidityOtherNOASSERTION

Witness Core Contracts Open in Gitpod Github Actions License: BUSL-1.1

This repo contains the core smart contracts for Witness. This includes the contracts used by the operator to submit checkpoints, as well as utilities for reading from and interacting with Witness.

The repo is mostly a standard forge repo but uses Bun for some utilities as well. Here's an outline of the repo:

├── broadcast
│   └── Historical foundry deployment artifacts
├── docs
│   └── Markdown docs generated from the natspec of the contracts
├── examples
│   └── Sample usages of the core contracts
├── scripts
│   └── Utilities for deploying the core contracts
├── src
│   ├── interfaces
│   │   └── Interfaces for the core contracts
│   ├── MockWitnessConsumer.sol
│   ├── Witness.sol
│   ├── WitnessConsumer.sol
│   └── WitnessUtils.sol
├── test
│   └── Solidity tests for the core contracts
└── ts
    └── Typescript code and utils for consumers of the contract

See the Witness docs at https://docs.witness.co for more information on Witness and these contracts.

Getting Started

NPM Install

It's recommended to install this via an NPM-ish package manager; eg:

bun add github:witnessco/contracts-core

You may need to set up a remapping.txt or similar to get your project's toolchain to detect the contracts:


Forge Install

forge install WitnessCo/contracts-core

Additional Dependencies

The contracts in this repo also depend on Solady for various utilities. You may need to separately configure this depending on your environment and toolchain; see Solady's docs for more information.


Witness's core contracts can be permissionlessly integrated with by other systems on or offchain. Offchain systems can leverage these contracts as a source of truth for verification, while onchain consumers can inherit from the WitnessConsumer contract for a more seamless integration.

See the examples directory for some sample usages of the core contracts.


Some frequently used commands:

# Install dependencies
bun install

# Build contracts and typescript
bun run build

# Clean the build artifacts and cache directories
bun clean

# Lint and format
bun lint

# Run tests (solidity only)
forge test

# Generate Typescript ABIs from build artifacts
bun run build && bun generate:abis

# Gererate docs to the `./docs` directory
bun generate:docs

# Coverage
forge coverage

# Coverage report
bun test:coverage:report

# Compute the CREATE2 initcode hash for a `Witness` contract.
bun run initcodehash


If you need a deployment on a new chain, feel free to open an issue and we can help you. Additional information is provided below for reference as well.

These values should be kept in-sync with the values provided the client SDK.

Existing deployments

Chain ID Deployment Address
Mainnet (1) 0x0000000e143f453f45B2E1cCaDc0f3CE21c2F06a
Base (8453) 0x0000000e143f453f45B2E1cCaDc0f3CE21c2F06a
Optimism (10) 0x0000000e143f453f45B2E1cCaDc0f3CE21c2F06a
Sepolia (11155111) 0x00000008bcf12Eeb9E4162687D6D251f0F4e7FC2
Base Sepolia (84532) 0x0000000159C8253802551eEaf8b475db1A50d712
Optimism Sepolia (11155420) 0x0000000a3fa5CFe56b202F376cCa7334c93aEB8b
Arbitrum Sepolia (421614) 0x00000006399970c8bdad606abD03b1712974E4eA
Gnosis Chiado (10200) 0x000000031C0d9df77F390CED953219E561B67089

Deploying on a new EVM chain

Deployment on a new chain involves a few steps:

  1. Deploy a Gnosis Safe to be the owner param of the deployment (see below for guidance). Set this as the OWNER_ADDRESS value in your .env file.

  2. Either reuse from below or calculate the CREATE2 deployment salt for the Witness contract via the following steps:

    cast create2 \
      --starts-with 0000000 \
      --init-code-hash $(bun run initcodehash) 
  3. Ensure the following environment variables are all set:

    a. DEPLOYMENT_PRIVATE_KEY is set to a funded EOA

    b. DEPLOYMENT_SALT is set to the value calculated in step 2

  4. Run Deploy.s.sol:

    forge script Deploy \
        --broadcast \
        -f=<YOUR_RPC_URL> \
  5. Note down the output values of the above steps into this README:

    • Any new Gnosis Safe that needed to be deployed, along with any new signers
    • Create2 factory and salt used for deployment if modified
    • Deployed address for Witness.sol
  6. Add any additional UPDATER_ROLE addresses via the grantRoles method, called via the owner

  7. Set up your checkpointer to submit updates to the new chain's Witness.sol address

You may want to take an additional step to verify the deployment on Etherscan or similar.

Note that because we're using a Create2 factory, the EOA you deploy from won't affect the resulting address.

Verifying the deployment

You can verify the source of the deployed contracts on an explorer like Blockscout. A sample command for Base is shown below:

forge verify-contract \
  --watch \
  --verifier=blockscout \
  --verifier-url=https://base.blockscout.com/api\? \
  --constructor-args $(cast abi-encode "constructor(address)" "0x10e859116a6388A7D0540a1bc1247Ae599d24F16") \
  0x0000000e143f453f45B2E1cCaDc0f3CE21c2F06a \

Reference Values

Owner Gnosis Safe Signers

All safes use the following singers under a 3-of-5 threshold:

  • 0x9668aCbF23F0c4BC87B6D843EeEE35C20B91f643
  • 0x4f31617dc6f154cFfbA81eB5B9B307b442B3e661
  • 0x42EE0F3D7E54b6feF329fB6dc860634794832D2F
  • 0x3E8A785b44D28a9522d16E29158beA1c06D3A762
  • 0x2e6511E702a256b92Be25580803f93269a1b8E45
  • 0x72Ff26D9517324eEFA89A48B75c5df41132c4f54

Owner Gnosis Safe Deployments

Witness.sol's sole deployment parameter is an owner address, which is recommended to be set to a Gnosis Safe.

Smold.app's MultiSafe helps us get deterministic Safe addresses for supported chains. The supported chains are as follows:

  • Mainnet (1)
  • Base (8453)
  • Optimism (10)

For these chains, given our EOA signers staying fixed across chains, the address for the deployed owner Gnosis Safe is 0x10e859116a6388A7D0540a1bc1247Ae599d24F16.

For chains that the MultiSafe tool doesn't support, we can manually deploy Gnosis Safes without having the address consistent. All chains have their values listed below for reference:

Chain ID Owner Safe Address
Mainnet (1) 0x10e859116a6388A7D0540a1bc1247Ae599d24F16
Base (8453) 0x10e859116a6388A7D0540a1bc1247Ae599d24F16
Optimism (10) 0x10e859116a6388A7D0540a1bc1247Ae599d24F16
Sepolia (11155111) 0x71bA2A9b041C8597E468B5e630b0E43Eb87BDc83
Base Sepolia (84532) 0xF554f6e21094aDB06680bD49aAB99b622c68CEc0
Optimism Sepolia (11155420) 0xc6Fbdce6Ac57cEbF2032A318D92D0ffFc050A726
Arbitrum Sepolia (421614) 0xd7db685f44CCDe17C966A16528d94942b497EBfE
Gnosis Chiado (10200) 0xd7db685f44CCDe17C966A16528d94942b497EBfE

Note that Arbitrum Sepolia and Gnosis Chiado's owner is currently set to an EOA.

Create2 Factory and Salt

When running the deploy script above, a factory address and salt are required for the create2 style deployment. The default factory address is used for this, and the salt is calculated based on the set OWNER_ADDRESS with bun run initcodehash. Reference values used in previous deployments:

Chain ID Salt
Mainnet (1) 0xb3eaff343f96035800d8b917841ce9c526b3187bdbaa31ca1324d9403cfca860
Base (8453) 0xb3eaff343f96035800d8b917841ce9c526b3187bdbaa31ca1324d9403cfca860
Optimism (10) 0xb3eaff343f96035800d8b917841ce9c526b3187bdbaa31ca1324d9403cfca860
Sepolia (11155111) 0x25f297d9d4634e6d9b64a5762249df8c841977106db6cfc152c5c261722238e4
Base Sepolia (84532) 0xbee48227768131701635040060883388e02d0cf71f757b851e6a9f3f5517e50d
Optimism Sepolia (11155420) 0x1af2805263ccc6cb32de029263b124831c7b5666255f7a9c0356e2dfedb7b6e3
Arbitrum Sepolia (421614) 0x425a725a8da61fb936f4693b36ebfba06e2244cb58173ba49ad6fc80976fa2c3
Gnosis Chiado (10200) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005fc8112200000000

Built with

This is experimental software and is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. I do not give any warranties and will not be liable for any loss, direct or indirect through continued use of this codebase.


This project is licensed under BUSL-1.1.