
Code to Simulate Socket Programming

Primary LanguagePython


Table of Contents


-This is a basic application layer in socket programming. The goal was to send an encoded message to the sever to read and decode then send back the encoded message to the client.


In order to install the project you will need the following:

  • Updated version of python
  • IDE with python capabilities
  • Optional: Extention for VS code Users to read Python files

To start: Clone the repository on GitHub then open Git on your local machine. First find a location of your choice on your computer that you want the folder to be in.

  • To change working directory, use the command cd followed by a folder or cd.. to move back
  • Using the command git clone and adding the cloned directory, you will have a copy of this project


The purpose behind this project was to simulate a basic TCP transport service using socket programming


  • WixkedLuck


Client side initial input, sent message and recieved responce:


Server side recieved encoded message, decoded message and sent responce:
