
PHP code generator library

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PHP Code Generator

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage

This library provides some tools that you commonly need for generating PHP code.


Install via Composer:

	"require": {
		"gossi/php-code-generator": "dev-master"


There are two things you need to generate code.

  1. A generator
    • CodeGenerator
    • CodeFileGenerator
  2. A model to generate
    • PhpClass
    • PhpInterface
    • PhpTrait
    • PhpFunction

You can create these models and push all the data using a fluent API or read from existing code through reflection.

Generate Code

a) Simple:

use gossi\codegen\generator\CodeGenerator;
use gossi\codegen\model\PhpClass;
use gossi\codegen\model\PhpMethod;
use gossi\codegen\model\PhpParameter;

$class = new PhpClass();
			->setDescription('Creates my Tool')

$generator = new CodeGenerator();
$code = $generator->generate($class);

b) From Reflection:

use gossi\codegen\generator\CodeGenerator;
use gossi\codegen\model\PhpClass;

$class = PhpClass::fromReflection(new \ReflectionClass('MyClass'));

$generator = new CodeGenerator();
$code = $generator->generate($class);

Code Generators

The package ships with two generators, which are configurable with an associative array as constructor parameter. Alternatively if you have a project that uses the same configuration over and over again, extend the respective config object and pass it instead of the configuration array.


Creates code for a given model

Config: gossi\codegen\config\CodeGeneratorConfig

Key Type Default Value Description
generateDocblock boolean true enables docblock generation prior to code generation
generateEmptyDocblock boolean true when docblock generation is enabled, even empty docblocks will be generated


Creates a complete php file with the given model inside.

Config: gossi\codegen\config\CodeFileGeneratorConfig
Options: Same options as CodeGenerator plus:

Key Type Default Value Description
headerComment string empty A comment, that will be put after the <?php statement
headerDocblock string|Docblock empty A docblock that will be positioned after the possible header comment
blankLineAtEnd boolean true Places an empty line at the end of the generated file


Feel free to fork and submit a pull request (don't forget the tests) and I am happy to merge.
