
SafeSpace- Be Free, Be You.

SafeSpace is a mental health mobile app that helps students of Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture (MOUAU) to maintain mental health balance.


SafeSpace came as a result of the data from our research which found that large majority students of MOUAU are mentally exhausted and need a non-judgemental outlet for their thoughts, vents, and feelings.

We dug deeper and found that the highly competitive and dynamic nature of the campus environment coupled with social medial pressure had driven students into thier shells and drastically reduced social and emotional interactions thanks to a non-enabling environment.

So we sought to solve this problem with Safespace, an app that the team soon started calling ‘The anti-social media app’ because we decided to build an app that helped our fellow students better versions of themselves with none of the pressure attached.

Basically, we wanted to pull off the filters and help people share their authentic human experiences without any airbrushing.

Key features Vibecheck A feature that allows you to Gauge your emotional state via a range slide (the slide could not be ready for V1) so we stuck to a simple version where you simply select how you’re currently feeling and it becomes your vibe status. In the future, we’re looking at a vibecheck that is hourly and shows you a graph of how you've been feeling throughout a specific period.

Ventspace An anonymous space where you can share what's bothering you without fear of judgment or persecution. An entry into the Ventspace is called a vent and the process is called venting (just like tweeting). The original idea was for the vents to last for only 24hours so the timeline is kept fresh. You can choose a pseudonym for each vent.

Dairy Your personal journal where you can share your deepest, Darkest/nicest secrets. The type of thoughts you Want to share but not with anyone else, you can keep track of what’s going through your mind and consult later. In V2 we plan to add the feature where you can share your parts of your diary with your therapist, so they see your thoughts as raw as they come without filters.

Therapists A section where you can interact with a mental health specialist like your therapists. (We couldn't get this feature up because of time constraints)

Resources This section contains links to helpful materials that help you understand what you're going through. So if you're interested in bipolar disorders, we provide links to check out valuable materials on them. In V2, we hope to hire in-house content creators to create this content ranging from videos to articles to podcasts, etc so our users are always informed.

Get the app

You can download and use this app from here

App Usage

See how to use this application by clicking on this link