DOPE: Dartmouth Oversimplified Programming Enviroment
This is my attempt to ressurect DOPE: BASIC's direct predecessor. There are some caveats to this which are explained in the included index.html file. That file also has a working example of the interpreter using xTerm.js.
Using the Interpreter
dope.js is the core of this operation, it contains the full interpreter for the DOPE language. Creating a new interpreter takes few options, and looks something like:
var dope = new DOPE({
onOutput: function(line){
Curently onOutput
is the only option, which provides a function to handle printing outputs of a DOPE program.
Important functions include...
-- Run a DOPE program, where buffer
is a string blob of the program to interpret.
DOPE.runLine(number, line)
-- Run a single line of DOPE, where number
is line's number and line
is the code to run.