
Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network written from scracth to solve dynamic cotrol problems.

Primary LanguagePython


How to run

using pipenv pipenv install pipenv run python src/main.py

Given below is one solution state I found evolving over 50 generations for 'CartPole-v0' environment. Ive never found it to fail even testing it over 10 minutes.

0.69133231, -0.20516511, -0.75820921, 0.26613669, 
0.27673464, -0.36717599,-0.26046508, -0.28477222, 
0.52321166, -0.80721378, 0.29428328, 0.29825771, 
0.80397947, -0.326007, -0.34943436, -0.57278871, 
-0.98233225, -0.84820036,-0.52714673, -0.57732037, 
0.99911137, -0.84907632, 0.49275814, -0.89989096