
Track shapes from images and videos, based on theirs colors

Primary LanguagePython

Image Tracker

This program allows you to find complex shapes from an image, depending on their color


Explore the pixel map

  • The program crosses every line of the map to find lines which are matching* the chosen color
  • Lines are stored in a dictionnary with their Y position as keys

Rows compilation

  • The program crosses every row, step* by step and check if the current row's Y position is already in the dictionnary
  • In this case, new rows are stored in a list of temporary shapes
  • Every new line added in a temparory shape will become the key for joining the latter
    • For example: My shape has defined entry keys like [ X= 10, X= 15 ] If I find the pattern [ X= 5, X= 15 ] in the next row The line will be inserted in my shape and becomes the entry keys for the next following rows

Compile nearby shapes

If my shape is not perfectly monochrome, such as a red book that contains white text, this will create multiple shapes So I might activate this option to compile nearby shapes

  • It will examine every shape and check if they have common Top/Left and Bottom/Right points

Failure to load image, open there

Failure to load image, open there



By clicking on the video, the algorithm will get the pixel clicked and start tracking it.


  • At every frame the algorithm will, from the previous position, search in 8 directions until pixels do not match anymore the selected color.
  • This way the algorithm will get 8 positions that will allow it to build a shape structure with corners positions, width, height and center.
  • Every time a pixel color matches, its rgb will be added to a stack that is divided by the number of pixels the latter contains to continuously set an average color. This way, the algorithm will handle brightness variations.


*matching: the user selects a pixel from the image and an acceptable range
- The rgb(12, 150, 255), with a range of 10, will include pixels that have rgb between (2, 140, 245) and (22, 160, 255)
*step: int value selected by the user
- The step represents the X distance between every analysis

Failure to load gif, open there