
Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby CI

Instructions for applicant


We have an existing application that provides an api to execute a payment between two registered users.
Since we are dealing with "ticket restaurant", 2 laws applies:

  • payment amount must be equal or inferior to 19 euros
  • payment should only occurs during worked days

The current implementation works well in production.
The code is in files "app/models/user.rb" and "app/controllers/payments_controller.rb".
We have few support tickets signifying that the code might contains minor bugs.

You can test the feature in local with these commands:

rails server &
rails runner '%w(123 456).each { |id| User.create!(id: id, email: "#{id}_mail@test.com") }'
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"emitter_id":"123","receiver_id":"456","amount":140}'

Step 1: Bug correction

We forget about the public holidays!
They are to be treated as weekend: you cannot use your "ticket restaurant".

Step 2: New feature

The government passed a new law, authorizing usage of "ticket restaurant" every day, and with a limit doubled, but only in restaurants, and not in other food stores (like supermarkets).
Supermarkets keep the same existing limits.
You are asked to implement this new feature.


You are free to correct existing bugs, but your primary goal is the new feature.
Please note your start / stop times for both steps.
You can ask questions.

245 678