
8-Pack is a draft simulation tool. Play through the first 8 picks of a draft, let your friends do the same, and compare! Submission for Spicerack Hackathon 2024.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

8 Pack

8-Pack is a draft simulation tool. Play through the first 8 picks of a draft (before your old picks influence your new picks), let your friends do the same, and compare!

Wizzerinus's submission for the Spicerack Hackathon 2024

Development Setup


Requires Docker. I recommend that you download this file if you prefer premier drafts (bo1), or this file if you prefer traditional drafts (bo3). The import-drafts command changes according to the type of draft you chose:

python -m eightpack.cli import-drafts  # downloaded premier drafts
python -m eightpack.cli import-drafts local-traditional  # downloaded traditional drafts
python -m eightpack.cli import-drafts 17lands-premier  # automatically download premier drafts
python -m eightpack.cli import-drafts 17lands-traditional  # automatically download traditional drafts

Note that if you use the 17lands one, you will have to download the file a lot during development if you mess with the database, I don't recommend that.

cd backend
pip install requirements.txt
python -m eightpack.cli dev-db
# In a different terminal window:
python -m eightpack.cli import-drafts
python -m eightpack.app  # this starts the webserver, default port 8003
# if you change the port make sure to change the backend URL on the frontend


Most functionality requires a running backend.

cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev  # this starts the webserver, default port 5173
# if you change the port make sure to change the CORS header sent by the backend

Production setup

# this starts the servers
docker-compose up
# this creates the database and imports the drafts, change 17lands-traditional to 17lands-premier if you prefer these
docker exec -it $(docker container ls | grep 8-pack | grep backend | awk '{print $1}') \
  python -m eightpack.cli import-drafts 17lands-traditional \